KIPP Academy of Innovation Football Team

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

Why donate to our football team?

You should donate to our cause because our kids are learning the fundamentals of working as a team. I want them to have a chance at feeling like they belong to something greater than themselves. The majority of my kids have never been on a team of any sport before. They have never had a jersey or something that belongs to them that they earned through working together with others. I just want to give them that chance. 

Below is a list of current needs 


Wish List Qty Est. Price
T-Shirt 60 1,000
Football Markers 6 50
Scoreboard 1 20
Down Box 1 100
Flags 12-16 80
Awards 1 200
Party Budget 1 500
Totals   1,950


-My goal is to get the Jersey cost to about $16-$18 a unit

-Football markers will be important so that we can mark off our end zone

- Down box is important for marking which down our team is on. 

-The current flags we are using are old and we don't have enough. A new set of 12 is needed.

- I would really like a budget for awards because the kids work so hard and I really want to reward those who excel with a trophy. We also plan on having a super bowl and all star game.

- The party budget will be to rent a field for our championship game and to buy supplies for a final celebratory party.  


Back Up Plan

I will do whatever I can in my power to ensure that are athletes have equipment needed to start our season. If we fall short then my hopes is to at least get them team jerseys.

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Comments (3)

Bertha Acevedo-Cabrera February 24, 2017

Have fun with flag football! I know my boy loves it. Thank you for bringing it to KAI.

Cristina February 21, 2017

All day Jay!!!

Jorge February 21, 2017

Good luck guys

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About the Creator

I am the head football coach at Kipp Academy of Innovation in East Los Angeles. We are a founding team and basically starting this program from scratch. Although we don't have much we are believing that through our fundraising efforts we can afford to play in a league next season as well as fund equipment, transportation, and clinic cost.

Investments (24)


Chester Reyes

7 years ago


Alma Garcia

7 years ago



8 years ago


Daniel Richter

8 years ago


Vina Vanessa Napoles

8 years ago


jeremy arca

8 years ago


Carlota Hulleza

8 years ago


Xochitl Ramos

8 years ago


Amanda Hillsberg

8 years ago


Noema Suarez

8 years ago


Bertha Acevedo-Cabrera

8 years ago


Elyssa Rivero

8 years ago


Jenny Yu

8 years ago


Desiree Yoo

8 years ago


Catherine Ward

8 years ago


Paulina Gras

8 years ago


Kimberly Menjivar

8 years ago


Cristina Sandoval

8 years ago


Jorge Callejas

8 years ago


Emily Felsenthal

8 years ago



8 years ago


Denise Carmona

8 years ago


Debi Riley

8 years ago


Isabel Gomez

8 years ago