Provine High School History

The Description

With these funds I will be purchasing classroom necessities. I am planning on making my classroom a warm and productive learning environment, and doing so requires some classroom furniture and decorations. I will be using these funds to go towards bookshelves, filing cabinets, and decorations. In addition, I will also be purchasing basic school supplies. There is a potential that not every student can easily afford the supplies they need to excel in the classroom. I will be buying pencils, paper, notebooks, markers, butcher paper, and more. I will also purchase classroom items like hand sanitizer, tissues, paper towels, and more. The students and I would greatly appreciate donations towards our classroom!

After completing Teach for America’s - 2017 Delta Institute I will be responsible for my very own classroom! I can't wait to decorate and meet my students and their families. One of the biggest hurdles that students in high need schools face is a lack of the necessary materials that are needed daily. It makes it infinitely more difficult for students to take part in activities and classwork when they do not have basic supplies.

PledgeCents allows me to keep whatever I raise, so anything you can contribute really will make a difference for my first year. I want to make a great impression and a lasting impact on my first group of students and letting them know that they have a community that supports them both near and far will definitely get us on the right track. Here is a complete list of the materials that your generous investment will help provide for the students of my very first classroom:

Tiggly offers physical manipulatives that interact with literacy, math, and creative thinking learning apps for students. This provides students with opportunity to engage in digital learning through developmentally appropriate technology. The Tiggly Thinker Kit combines one set of Tiggly Words and one set of Tiggly Digits.

Back Up Plan

If we do not reach our goal I will purchase as much as possible with my available funds. 

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Comments (1)

Brian Jones June 20, 2017

Good luck this fall. I know you'll do great. We love you.
Uncle Brian :)

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About the Creator

I will be teaching history at Provine High School in Jackson, MS for the next two years. History is my passion, and I am beyond thrilled to hopefully impact my students. I am trying to make my classroom into a wonderful learning environment, and to do so requires purchasing school supplies and classroom furniture/decor. Any and every donation will be so appreciated!!!

Investments (8)


Sara Mond

7 years ago


Caris Deschner

7 years ago


Sutton Aiken

7 years ago



7 years ago


William Billingsley

7 years ago


Brian Jones

7 years ago


Jan (A Ridgeland Titan) a Richardson

7 years ago


Amelia Putnam

7 years ago