Basic Biology Lab Equipment for a Special Classroom
Verified Non-Profit
$481 goal
The Description
Currently there is no lab equipment for this special class that I teach, each year the class size varies. In the past we have done a lot of online activities, since all students have iPads, we have watched others do labs, we have done basic labs with supplies I can get at home or store. With these funds I will be able to buy basic lab equipment and utilize a book to to help students be able to do basic labs and to enhance their learning of concepts in the classroom. Students will have more hands on experience using different lab equipment to increase their understanding of the Course Level Expectations.
The book I chose to read with this course is Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton, our library has one copy of this book, in the past I have read this book aloud to students and I found a pdf version of the book, however the book never saves the student's spots and makes it difficult for the students to follow along with the book. If we were able to purchase a book for each student to utilize in the classroom this would help them immensely. The purpose of reading Jurassic Park is the bring in literacy into the biology classroom and also help students to become excited about biology through this well known book. Literacy and numeracy are a big part of the Jefferson City Public School's push and I want to incorporate literacy as much as I can within my classroom to help these students.
Below is a list of links for supplies that would be greatly helpful within my biology class to help students within my class with literacy as well as hands on lab activities. (Please note the total for the item is listed at the end and it more than one is wanted then the total price is the price listed.)
Animal and Plant Cell Prepared Slides x1 = $9.95
Meiosis and Mitosis Prepared Slides x1 = $23.95
Plastic Graduated Cylinders x4 = $8.20
Set of Nesting Graduated Beakers x1 = $19.10
Wisconsin Fast Plant Genetics Kit x1 = $77.95
"Jurassic Park" By Micheal Crichton Paperback x11 = $55
Thank you for your time and consideration.
I am a strong believer in "Once a Jay Always a Jay" as I am a 2004 graduate of Jefferson City High School, when I began my teaching career I only had one place in mind to teach Jefferson City Public Schools.
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will purchase as much of the above listed items above as I can and hope that in years to come I can gather more supplies for my class.
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