In-Powered by One Significant Act

Verified Non-Profit

$160 goal

The Description
With these funds, I will purchase text books and learning materials for my Yoga Teacher Certificaiton Course. The purpose of this course is to certify me to bring yoga to our campus and provide it as an elective course for students. My course will be taught as a part of the In-Powered by One Significant Act program, a non-profit organization that uses the teachings and practice of yoga as the primary vehicle for our work. Along with the physical practice of yoga, the program will aid in providing students with all of the healing benefits that yoga has to offer to communities outside the traditional walls of a yoga studio.
Students will be empowered to be leaders in their own communities and see new possibilities that may not have existed otherwise.
In-Powered’s core activities include: yoga practice, meditation, journaling exercises, character development, public speaking skills, and goal-setting. All programs are designed to increase physical, mental and emotional well-being for individuals while building empowered communities.
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will purchase the books from my personal funds.
About the Creator

Investments (5)
Leslie Jefferis
9 years ago
10 years ago
Leslie Jefferis
10 years ago
Pamela Michele Davis
10 years ago
Andrea Faria
10 years ago
Comments (1)
Andrea Faria + Family March 10, 2015
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