Chem to College Pipeline

Verified Non-Profit

$300 goal

The Description
Teaching in the inner city causes classrooms to often become very transient environments. The donations will help improve my classroom by helping what can sometimes be a very transient environment feel like home. With these funds my students will become better class participants. With ink for a previously donated printer in my classroom I will be able to provide all of my students with ample independent worksheets to hone their skills and give my students a resource to print out their work since a large percentage do not have computers in their homes. Most of my students have not grounded necessary note-taking skills to ensure they are pulling the pertinent information and summarizing it so that they may reference it when referring back to their notes. With the use of the materials purchased the students can record themselves articulating the information as evidence of them not only understanding it but explaining concepts in their own words. Our school lost most of our glassware from a pipe bursting in our stockroom. Most glassware is old, stained, and broken. These donations will help my students stay focused, as they will have notes to read, glassware to use, and technology to help push them forward intellectually. They will leave my classroom inspired and with skills to help them to be successful in whatever post-secondary path they choose.
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will purchase...
One of the new strategies we are most excited about is called "Interactive Notebooking." If you're interested, I would love to explain, but I won't bore you with a long explanation here. In order to do this, my kids will each need a gridded composition notebook (graph paper instead of regular lined paper) and various other school supplies. The following is a list that I am trying to have purchased in the next two weeks so I can have my classroom set up and ready to go by the first day of school!
1) Gridded Notebooks (100 at $3) = $300
2) Colored Pencils (12 packs at $1) = $12
3) Markers (12 packs at $1) = $12
4) Highlighters (12 packs at $2) = $24
5) Scissors (12 pairs at $1) = $12
6) Tape (24 rolls at $0.50) = $12
7) Copy paper (6 reams at $4) = $24
8) Colored paper (3 reams at $10) = $30
9) Ink for Classroom Printer = $50
About the Creator

My students will be mainly juniors and seniors, most will just be starting to prepare for college. Miami Northwestern is listed under M-DCPS ETO (Educational Transformation Office) which categorizes this school as well as over 60 others as the lower performing schools in the county and in need of extra support and assistance for our students, who all experience high levels of poverty and educational inequity
Investments (1)
9 years ago
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