Book Baggies

Verified Non-Profit

$500 goal
The Description
With these funds I will be able to purchase book baggies for each of my students to store their Daily 5 books, folder, and writing journals. Everyday we participate in Daily 5, which is a Language Arts Programs that teaches students the importance of reading and writing. There are 5 components to the Daily 5 Program, Read to Self, Read to Someone, Listen to Reading, Work on Writing, and Word Work. My students each have 3 books that they choose every week that are on their reading level that they have to keep with them during Daily 5 as well as a Daily 5 folder where they will keep the work they complete during Daily 5, and they have a writing journal with them as well. That is a lot for them to carry around and keep up with. We are currently using plastic storage bags but they are as you can imagine starting to rip and tear. With the funds I hope to be able to purchase Large Book Pouches ( that they would be able to keep all of their tools for Daily 5 in and since these will be fabric we will not have to worry about them ripping and coming apart. The pouches come in sets of 4 and each set cost $19.96. I am hoping to be able to purchase a full class set of 20 pouches which would cost about $500. This purchase would benefit my kindergarteners in their reading, writing, and collaborative skills.
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will save the money raised until I am able to purchase a full class set of Book Pouches.
About the Creator
Investments (4)
Margarita Pate
10 years ago
Margarita Pate
10 years ago
CHad Cox
10 years ago
CHad Cox
10 years ago
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