Safety First!

Verified Non-Profit

$83 goal

The Description
With these funds I will...purchase safety glasses and safety goggles for student use on our Science Olympiad Team. We must make sure we have proper eyewear to protect our eyes when we practice and study for the Science Olympiad events. Several, incredible events require safety glasses or goggles.
- 3-2-1 Blast Off is the most exciting event for our students. Here, students create bottle rockets out of soda bottles. They design fins and determine the "just right" amount of water needed to get the right pressure for the best lift off of the rocket. Safety goggles are a must have just in case a rocket under pressure were to explode or if parts of the rocket flew off toward watching eyes.
- First in Flight is an incredible event where students design paper airplanes that fly the furthest distance in a straight line. Eye safety is imperative as pointy paper planes are zooming through the air at high speeds.
- Marshmallow Catapults is a new event this year. The students will build a device designed to launch a marshmallow at a target on the floor. No one needs to get smacked in the eyes with a fast-soaring ball of puffed sugar!
- Pasta Tower requires that students build a tower out of pasta and glue that will hold several kilograms of weight. These towers snap, crackle, and pop under the heavy load, and protecting our eyes from flying spaghetti is very important.
- SuperSleuths allows our forensic minds to be challenged. In this event, safety goggles are a must-have as students test unknown substances. No one wants a squirt of a potentially hazardous fluid in his eyes!
According to the Science Olympiad rules, it is our responsibility to properly protect our eyes during our practice sessions, but we must also bring our own protective eye wear to our regional competition in May. These resources are NOT provided for us.
A 10-Pack of Safety Goggles from Carolina Biological costs $36.85 per 10 pack. We need at least 20 goggles as we will have two teams of students this year. The above events require two students per team, so that would be 10 students, and if we have two teams, that doubles to 20 students that need Safety Goggles.
Cost = $73.70
Tax = $5.53
PledgeCents Fees = $6.38
Total Cost = $82.22
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will many pairs of goggles as we can afford. Students will have to clean them and share them as they move to different events.
Fundraiser Updates (2)
December 1, 2015
Thank you to everyone who has invested in learning for the students on the Science Olympiad Team! We GREATLY appreciate the support from our families and this local community! below is a picture of our students watching the students viewing the Marshmallow Catapult launches.
Safety Glass Donated
November 24, 2015
Many, many thanks to AAI Pharma and Dr. Don DeCou for donating 50 pairs of safety glasses to Pine Valley's Science Olympiad Team! This is wonderful. We still need supplies this year. The money collected through this cause will help us buy pasta and hot glue for the pasta tower, pH paper for Super Sleuths, binders to each team to keep their information and data, mousetraps and marshmallow for Marshmallow Catapult and any other supplies we may need this year. Thank you for of your support of Science Olympiad at PVES!
-Mrs. Crowley
About the Creator

Investments (6)
Ashley Edwards
9 years ago
Anderson H Walters III
9 years ago
Lee Golden
9 years ago
e michael kiser
9 years ago
9 years ago
Katherine Harrell
9 years ago
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