Lets Experiment!

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

With these funds I will purchase materials for my fifth graders to work through the scientific method, collaboratively engage in interactive experiments, reflect, and make adjustments in order to understand the concepts behind the science experiments.  My students would like the opportunity to take their understanding of science concepts to a higher level!  They would like to communicate and showcase various aspects of their science units of study by planning and performing a Science Fair for their Title 1 preschool learning partners.  My fifth grade students will include their preschool learning partner as an assistant in their demonstration.  Then all students will rotate through each experiment station.  The requested Windbag, Cloud in A Bottle, Soda Bottle Tornado, and Insta Snow kits will all compliment our Weather Unit of Study.  The following are just a few of the principles that will be investigated, discussed, demonstrated, and interactively completed by all students:  properties of air, how air pressure creates wether systems, needed factors for cloud formation, and conditions needed to create a tornado vortex.  

http://www.stevespanglerscience.com/store/windbag-wonders.html  Windbags  4 x $14.99

http://www.stevespanglerscience.com/store/cloud-in-a-bottle.html    Cloud in a Bottle  $24.99

http://www.stevespanglerscience.com/store/expanding-baby-bottle.html  Expanding Baby Bottle  2 x $14.99

http://www.stevespanglerscience.com/store/potato-gun-launcher-1532.html  Potato Gun Launcher $19.99

http://www.stevespanglerscience.com/store/instant-snow-day.html  Insta Snow 2 x $24.99

http://www.stevespanglerscience.com/store/potato-gun-launcher-1532.html  Replacement Potato Gun Tube $4.99

http://www.stevespanglerscience.com/store/soda-bottle-tornado.html  Soda Bottle Tornado 2 x $14.99

http://www.amazon.com/Axle-Annie-Robin-Pulver/dp/0142300144/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1448313692&sr=8-1&keywords=axle++annie  Axle Annie book $5.99


Cotton Balls 2 x $6.21


Snow book $11.32 

Back Up Plan

If I do not meet my goal I will purchase as much of these investigative materials as possible!  I will consider asking our school's PTA board to invest in this project that will benefit our students!  

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About the Creator

This is my 14th year of teaching. I am a fifth grade elementary education teacher in Missouri. My talented students thrive from learning opportunities that showcase their creative thinking. I want my students to become academically competitive in the 21st century work force. These 21st century learning skills include; creative expression, communication, critical thinking, and collaboration. Projects and inquiry-based learning experiences encompassing these skills often times lead to a higher level of student learning occurring. Your generous donation and support is greatly appreciated. Thank you for investing in tomorrow's leaders!

Investments (4)


Brandi Fatherley

9 years ago



9 years ago



9 years ago



9 years ago