Turning an Art Classroom into a Studio!

Verified Non-Profit

$5,155 goal

The Description
With these funds I will replace our broken and cracked chairs with 18" stools that are sturdy and versatile for any medium (from painting to sculpture). Almost every chair is broken like the one pictured. The tables we have are wobbly and unstable for working with projects in 2D and 3D. Having the stools and uniform tables would also give us more room to navigate.
The stools are 21.75 each. There are three 2D classrooms that would need 30 stools and one 3D room that would need 20. Each 2D classroom would need 7-8 tables. The 3D room would need 5. The tables pictured are $400-$700 each depending on the approved vendor for the district.
Our programs are currently labeled Art 1-4. We are preparing our students to choose a specific pathway to complete portfolios in a developed medium. We will offer classes in Painting, Drawing, Digital Media, Jewelry, Ceramics, and Sculpture next year. We want to set up the studios as safe structures for these courses. Our students are already excited! They have been attending studio during lunch, the weekends, and during the winter break in order to catch up on fundamentals that will prepare them for these new courses. We are positive that they will utilize the studios and will write personal thank you notes to all of our sponsors.
Back Up Plan
If we do not reach our goal I will use the money to organize our studios. I am building a 3D program (we currently don't have one) using professional tools that need to be properly stored. I would like to organize our tools and supplies so that our kids can safely use and return them in the 3D studio. We are in the process of assessing and organizing all of the supplies so that we can create a shared closet for that purpose. We need more storage containers for organization and to protect the supplies. Clear ones that run for $4.79 would be a good start. We would need at least 30.
About the Creator

Your Impact
Gallery Walk
stool buddy
Can't contain your excitement
Patron of the Arts
Investments (5)
Ruthie Miller
6 years ago
Jessica Kliewer
7 years ago
7 years ago
Amber Forgey
7 years ago
Carol Ann Wells
7 years ago
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