Exploration: Identity, Vision, and Mission

The Description

With these funds, our department will work with Dr. Jennifer Adams in a Six Session Professional Development Series over the course of 5 months. We are a group of teachers, general educators and teachers licensed to teach students with disabilities teaching a project-based and placed-based interdisciplinary program called Exploration. This professional development series that we seek aims to engage us in a collaborative process to define and articulate our school's identity, vision, and mission. This visioning work is to support a five-year plan to overhaul the Exploration department and improve our impact with our student body. 

The outcome of the PD facilitated by Dr. Adams will benefit 550 students each school year, beginning this year and for many years to come; leaving an exponential impact on a large population of middle school students and subsequently their communities. In the evolving landscape of education, it is paramount for educational programs to have a clearly articulated identity, vision, and mission. These elements serve as guiding principles for all participants, ensuring a unified direction and fostering a sense of purpose. We believe that from this collaborative learning process and focused guidance from Dr. Adams that we will guide, teach, and empower our students with better clarity and instructional and social vision.  

Back Up Plan

 If we do not reach our goal we will have to have a simplified version of this Professional Development Series. We recognise the importance of doing the vision work in order to create practices and values that will guide our curricula through the three grades. It is imperative that we establish a clear mission and vision for the department in order to do the pedagogical work required to create a robust education and offer meaningful experiential learning opportunities to our students.  In addition, the offsite learning projects we have planned will have to be cancelled. We work with a very slim budget for our trips. We will need to greatly reduce our learning experience with Dr. Adams and our offsite learning outings across the three grade levels. 

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Laura Cohn February 18, 2025

From Holly Spiegel

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About the Creator

I work with a team of teachers who are passionate about education that is liberating and transformative. We strive to teach our students not only the skills they need to be agents of change, but also the awareness, social concern, compassion, and agency it requires. The Exploration Program (Expo, in short) is a project-based, interdisciplinary subject incorporating aspects of place-based and project-based learning. Project-based learning (PBL) supports teaching that encourages hands-on, authentic, and student-driven collaboration. The program aims to ground all units in a justice-oriented framework that brings in contextually and culturally relevant curricula across all grade levels. We take opportunities to explore the five boroughs of NYC. This program utilizes the design process and problem solving to create for a better planet and brighter future for all. The seven Exploration teachers are committed to this work that brings equity, dignity, and authenticity into middle-school education.