Grow and Harvest Ingredients for a Meal

The Description

Ms. Levy and Mr. Koziol’s classes will investigate the “typical” origin and calculate food-miles and carbon-footprint of those ingredients. Life students will conduct inquiry-based seed germination experiments to establish the growing needs of different seed crops. Students will work together to start and care for seeds in the High School’s greenhouse in March, the particular crops of which will be determined in conjunction with Belchertown’s Food Service Director, to be served at the BPS schools with lunch.  Life students will collaborate with volunteers from the Belchertown Parent-Teacher Garden Organization in starting seeds indoors, in an exploration of the science and practical application of the extension of the growing season.

When the weather permits, the mini-greenhouses will be moved to the Belchertown School Garden (BSG) as cold frames.  Students will bend hoops for the low tunnels with the assistance of local farmers/gardeners during our afternoon field trip, as well as direct-seeding crops in some of the BSG raised beds. Life students will measure and compare growth and track other measures of crop vitality from both the open raised beds to those covered with low-tunnels.  Environmental Science students will use donated Pasco probes to track CO2, temperature, soil moisture, soil pH, and/or other conditions as appropriate.

BHS students will collaborate with elementary classes planting the seedlings into BSG raised beds with and without low tunnels.  As needed, Life students will assist elementary classes in conducting STEM lessons in the garden to tend and track the crops.

Goals for this program include:

  • A variety of crops for the BPS Food Service to prepare for lunch for students across all of the Belchertown Public Schools

  • Baby kale available for most (maybe all) of the year!

  • Life on Earth students will plan, cook and enjoy a meal together, with locally grown, 0-miles, low-carbon footprint food

  • Life on Earth and Environmental Science students will conduct a variety of data-collecting trips to the garden, sharing these findings on the BSG PTGO Facebook page

  • Environmental Science students will extend their lessons to Carbon-cycling in soil systems, as well as contribute their findings from the Food-miles exercise to the Life analysis of the local meal

  • Students across grades will have the opportunity to get direct experience growing food crops

  • Positive Press!  We will invite the local print and video media to join us for special events in the garden

Budget needed:

Low tunnels, 12 @ $4.25 – for metal tubing = $51

Plastic sheeting = $100

Hardware = $25

Mini-greenhouses, 2 @ $42 = $84

Hardware to secure greenhouses to ground = $50

Garden tools (cultivators, shovels, rakes, watering cans, crop labels – enough for class with 25 students) = $100

2018 seeds = $40

Miscellaneous supplies = $50

Total: $500 for all materials

Back Up Plan

If full funding is not received, project will be scaled back accordingly.

Fundraiser Updates (1)

Thank you for helping bring more students into the garden!

August 1, 2018

Thanks to you and the efforts of the Grinspoon ener-G-save for the Future project, the Belchertown School Garden now has the capacity to introduce hundreds of Belchertown students to the energy-saving, forward-looking potential of local foods grown with season-extension techniques ... and to quite literally taste the fruits of their labors.  We look forward to a rich harvest in the new school year, and testing the limits of our skills in bringing greens to BPS lunch tables well in to the Fall.

Thank you.

Comments (1)

Louise Levy February 16, 2018

Wow, what a great response!! We hit our initial goal on the first day this site went live! Thank you deeply to those of you who've already donated, and to you, considering donating right at this moment.
Thank you!!
Now, any additional funds raised will go towards helping teachers and staff at SRE, CHCS and BHS get their own fantastic, garden-based lesson going. Let's get the word out there ... Every donation - be it $5 or more - is a vote for engaging, interdisciplinary lessons in the garden and in the classroom.
Share widely!!
contact Louise Levy,, for questions, information, or to share the joy!
Thank you again!!

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About the Creator

I am a 10th - 12th grade teacher at Belchertown High School.

Investments (18)


Holly Osborne

6 years ago


Hope Guardenier

6 years ago


Alison W Bates

6 years ago


Rae Griffiths

6 years ago


Carol Murray

7 years ago


Marie E Holbrook

7 years ago



7 years ago


Louise Levy

7 years ago


Judy Baird

7 years ago


Julie Duprey

7 years ago


shannon materka

7 years ago



7 years ago


Laurie Cady

7 years ago


Darryl Clark

7 years ago


Stephanie Frank

7 years ago


Donna Spraggon

7 years ago


Roxanne Austin

7 years ago


Beth Knodler

7 years ago