Trauma Sensitive School Environment

Verified Non-Profit

$10,870 goal

The Description
Our school, Pastorius Mastery Charter School is located in Germantown, PA where there have been a lot of traumatic events that have happened to our students and families that live in this area.
Childhood experiences, both positive and negative, have a tremendous impact on future violence victimization and perpetration, and lifelong health and opportunity. As such, early experiences are an important public health issue. Much of the foundational research in this area has been referred to as Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).
Adverse Childhood Experiences have been linked to:
- risky health behaviors,
- chronic health conditions,
- low life potential, and
- early death.
As the number of ACEs increases, so does the risk for these outcomes.
The wide-ranging health and social consequences of ACEs underscore the importance of preventing them before they happen.
At least 75% of our students have an ACE's score of 2 or more.
Our goal is to provide A trauma informed sensitive environment in our school so we can begin to try and prevent the adverse effects of these experiences.
With these funds I will... establish a trauma sensitive environment for all of the students in my school. Our plan is to put peace corners in every room to help the kids who have experienced trauma have positive tools for coping with their experiences.
What is a Peace Corner?
A Peace Corner is a corner of a classroom where students who are feeling overwhelmed can go to take a few minutes to distract themselves from what is making them upset, calm down, regain feelings of control or safety, and practice skills for self-soothing that have worked for them in the past.
Peace Corners are especially helpful for students who have been exposed to high levels of adversity or toxic stress in their lives outside of school. For many of these students, if something triggers them, they are unlikely to be able to easily calm themselves down while participating in regular classroom activities. And while they remain escalated, they cannot benefit from academic instruction or practice, and are likely to distract other students. Peace Corners allow them to calm down and then return back to regular classroom activities without being sent out of the classroom.
A Peace Corner should therefore be a soothing and pleasant place. It should have a bean bag chair or pillows, attractive decorations, and activities that can help distract and calm students.
Here are some examples and links for items we would put in a peace corner
Liquid timers ($19.99 each)
Soft flooring ($21.49 each)
Silly Putty ($24.26 each)
Stress Balls ($18.76 each)
Chairs ($21.00 each)
Glitter ($10.02 each)
Water Bottles ($9.99 each)
Fidget spinner ($3.44 each)
Hands Fidget Toy for Relaxing Therapy Set
Fidget Dice Toy ($3.85 each)
Here are the items we would need for a sensory room:
Make sure you have at least 1 from each category (other than taste & smell).
- ESSENTIAL: Rocking chair (check craigslist for inexpensive used) $20 example:
- Crawl Tunnel: $26.55
- Bike Pedals: $29.93
- Weighted lap pad $37.99
- Theraputty $17.89 for 12oz varying densities
OR Varying Tensions of Stress Balls (Five & Below store)
- ESSENTIAL FOR ORAL KIDS: Chew necklaces for kids that chew pencils/sleeves, collar, etc. (keep in ziplock bag w child name) $9-13 on amazon varying types:
MyBoo Autism Sensory Chewable Droplet Pendant - Scarlet Red ($9 each)
MyBoo Autism/Sensory/Teething Chewable Oval Bead and Droplet Pendant Necklace ($13 each)
- Large Stuffed Animal $19.57
- Therapy/Exercise Yoga Ball $17.95
- Water beads: 7.95
- (For Water Beads) 5 litre plastic rectangular container w/lid (dollar store)
- Rugs ($5 to $10; examples):
- Fleece Blanket: $ 4 each-example:
- Padded Flooring (gym mats or padded floor tiles like below unless room is already carpeted):
- Plastic tub (with lid) (dollar store) with uncooked rice (dollar store)
- Mandala- (print for free online) therapeutic coloring pages& crayons
OR purchase books:$3.99
- Sponge Building blocks: $15.99
- Sensory Lava Tube $6.99 each; example:
- Posters on “How to Calm Down” and on “Problem Solving Steps”. You may have these from Second Step kits OR make your own based on these:
- DIM Lighting
- Lego (or any small figure) Calm Down Jars (DIY) Simply shake and wait for the calming to begin.
Pinwheels $6.36
Bubbles $6.67
- Music (classical or lullabies)- CD player w/cord for phone- pandora or youtube
- Singing Bowl $15.38
Scratch Sniff Stickers $10.30
We really appreciate you looking at our Pledgecents page and are very appreciative of even a small donation to help our children overcome their adverse traumatic experiences and become even more successful in our school environment.
Back Up Plan
We will establish one room at a time until we have the funds to establish a trauma sensitive environment in every classroom.
About the Creator

There is a famous quote that defines the reason why many of the staff here work with the students.
"A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove... but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child."
About 70% of the children at my school, Pastorius Mastery Charter School K-8, have experienced at least one or two traumatic events. Our school is working to become more trauma informed to help support the large percentage of kids who have experienced trauma. Research has shown that placing a "calming corner" in the classroom can provide a space for a student to de escalate in the moment and reintegrate themselves back into the learning environment. We are hoping to put a calming corner in every classroom to help these students who have extreme trauma responses, de escalate in the moment and then feel safe to rejoin the classroom. This pledge cents is to raise enough money to provide a safe space in the classroom for every student who needs a few minutes to calm down, as well as a sensory room to help the students who have extreme sensory needs have support and to be used as a therapeutic tool to help the children who need additional sensory support.
Your Impact
sensory items
Sensory chairs
Tactile sand
Investments (20)
Mary Anne Creighton
7 years ago
Lisa Rittler
7 years ago
The Gilmans
7 years ago
Stephanie Fanelli
7 years ago
7 years ago
Stephanie Gilmour
7 years ago
Margaret Milkewicz
7 years ago
Clare Farrell
7 years ago
Rachael Buboltz
7 years ago
Jenna Lubas
7 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago
Jennifer Crawford
7 years ago
Sarah Wilensky
7 years ago
Gary W Lawrence
7 years ago
Barbara Bell
7 years ago
Jessica Rorke
7 years ago
Carey Brusca
7 years ago
The Wishart Family
7 years ago
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