Visual Arguments to Improve the World

Verified Non-Profit

$400 goal

The Description
With these funds we will...recoup costs of art and construction supplies, publish artists' statements and photos, and support on-site community installations. Funds will be distributed to those who have retained their receipts for materials. This is the first time I have ever heard of AP English students creating visual arguments to persuade communities on critical world issues.
Supplies include, paint, plyboard, canvas, other supplies as well as installation/platform design costs to put these pieces actually out in the community for display. Costs will vary based on purchase location and sales currently running from Hobby Lobby, JoAnn Fabrics, and Local Lumber yards.
Projects are ranging from 2 outdoor wall murals, to indoor canvas paintings, and 3 sculptures made from paper mache, clay, and wire.
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal, whatever money is contributed will still be used. However, the rest will have to come out of our pockets. One student has already estimated that half of her project is already costing nearly $50. These students are building with intensity to move the community, not just to complete an assignment: real world intensity and purpose.
Fundraiser Updates (10)
Rejoicing all around
March 25, 2016
Hello and thank you for your interest in the Visual Arguments project. All students did have a display, artist's statement, and QR Code link to their artist blog on display for Onsted High's first STEAM Show. A few were still in progress but they wanted to share the current status. Letters for venue placement have been revised and sent/emailed with several students already having confirmed venues for April. Final blogs related to the art project will be expected in April showing the piece on display in the community and discussing the students' experience of sharing their argument with the larger community.
Thank you again for everyone's support as well as monetary donations for this project. It was definitely a spur of the moment inspiration and truly one that has impacted all of us positively for years to come. I will be blogging about the experience coming up soon and will let you know.
Please visit to see pictures and read a sample of artist statements from the STEAM show.
If the following link works, it will show you a brief video of the kids right after set up for STEAM.
T-5 Hours & Counting
March 9, 2016
Last post. Thank you again to all who are supporting us financially or energetically. Again, if you are in the area, stop by Onsted High School and celebrate St. Patrick's Day with us for Parent Teacher conferences and the first K-12 STEAM shows. Our art arguments will be on display there.
Additionally, I will keep posting photos here . So save that link so you can visit us again throughout next week as they finish up.
Remember to check out their blogs and leave a comment or two as well.
Today: We used the old shop to spray paint in the ventilated room, saw the creating of continents on the beach-ball globe, continued adding sand to the life choices 3D painting, worked on making a sledgehammer 3D, began phase 2 of recycling plastic, and mask mold #2 for clay among other activities. Tomorrow we begin drafting venue letters.
Again, thank you for your interest and support.
I forgot to take a class photo today, so here is the group on our Greek philosophy wrap up day. :)
Art Day #3
March 7, 2016
We tried a Disney soundtrack in the background but decided it was too many words and too many commercials for productivity. Major problem-solving today dealt with clay that kept cracking and how to extend 8 1/2 x 12 prototype drawings to larger canvas and staying in scale. Paint was moving, pencils sketching, good-natured ribbing, and contemplation of choices abounded. STEAM show one week from Thursday. Independent workers are a blessing in a classroom and this AP group of sophomores through seniors have been wonderful to watch this year. I hope this activity allows them to enjoy creating and not be afraid of trying different things to communicate their messages in life.
Thank you to Erin Cuellar, Matt McCullough, Bruce Allen, Meagan Elarton, and 3 anonymous donors for helping to make this possible. Bless you for supporting innovation, student-driven learning, and the arts.
Taking Shape & The Unintentioned leading to Insight
March 6, 2016
Only 4 days left. 7 Investors in the first few days but now we've hit deadspace. Please share with anyone else you might think would honor this endeavor. It truly is the first time I'm aware of a visual argument project being attempted by an English class. It has been a good challenge to consider NOT being able to use words to defend their positions. What if that was true for all of us? Art can bridge the gap when language is limited or impossible.
The student blogs are also a new endeavor. It is interesting to follow their process and ideas evolve as various art challenges arise. Each topic is very personal to each artist/writer. Hopefully they will find empowerment in what their art allows them to share which they may not feel otherwise empowered to speak about in their teenage lives. Check out their blogs @Student blogs
Most likely the cost of the various projects will exceed our $400 goal despite what is being loaned, recycled, and discounted. We appreciate any and all support and hope their messages will have the desired effect on the community. After 4 more days this blog, I believe will become unaccessible. If you would like to continue watching their progress, please find me on Twitter @OHS_McLemore or email me at . We would love to be able to share our final products with you. And if you happen to be in the neighborhood, they will be on display at Onsted High School's first ever STEAM show, March 17th. Check it out and always, thank you for your support.
Day #2 With Focused Ambition
March 4, 2016
Day 2 and just as much excitement yet mixed with focus and intensity. Students came in different hours to work as well as being focused during our AP period. The creative problem-solving going on was interesting to observe as I meandered listening to their visions, RE-visions, and discussing art tricks. Thanks to all who have donated thus far. Your funds have gone toward:
- canvases
- acrylic paints
- spray paints
- gessum
- glue
- clay
- styrofoam
- wood
- metal adhesive
- plastic cups for holding paint nad water
- paintbrushes of various sizes
- and much more.
Additional funds yet needed for more clay, sculpture bases, mounting hardware for canvas and the outdoor mural, at minimum. You may follow the students' blogs at:
Questions? Drop me a message at
Construction Day 1: March 17th Deadline for STEAM SHOW; APRIL for Venue Displays
March 3, 2016
AP Art Project Pics: Day 1
Anticipation ran high. Students began bringing in materials before school and throughout they day. When they entered for 7th period the first shock was the portable wall had been folded back. Their classroom was now double the size for movement and every artists' space needs. Quickly they mobilized claiming their territories. Smiles abounded.
Some students moved from drafted 2 dimensional to small prototypes to test color theories. Some began outlining on large canvas. Others dived into paper mache, newspaper decoupage, and metal painting. I checked on one student who was stenciling out an idea. I pointed at the dose of black paint and paintbrush next to him. "What's that? Are you ready for it?" He smiled -- almost seriously giggled-- and responded, "I was a little excited." AND THAT IS WHAT WE'RE TALKING ABOUT PEOPLE!
Better pictures to come. List of blogs will be posted in tomorrow's update.
If you haven't donated, please consider it. We only have 7 days left. Their plans are ambitious and visions worth it.
Thank you,
Guest Artist Shares
February 29, 2016
Today, guest artist LeeAnn Brooks shared how to write a solid artist's statement to accompany the student works . She also discussed how to begin the journey of seeking out and obtaining permission for a placement venue.
February 26, 2016
Snow Day called for Onsted Community Schools. We will have to delay actual start of construction til next Thursday. Stay tuned and thank you for the support. I purchased acrylics, sponges, and paintbrushes for us to get started.
Conferencing with Adrian College Art Teachers Completed
February 24, 2016
Students completed their revised drafts and consulted real world artists and art teachers for final design input. Construction begins this Friday! Photos and blogs will be posted so you can track their progress but early donation pledges will help bolster their confidence! Thanks in advance.
Background to this point:
February 24, 2016
In the fall students studied rhetorical arguments and visual arguments. They brainstormed issues important to them and have worked through two prototypes. They then conferenced with Adrian College Art teachers for feedback and revision in plans. Construction/Creation will start February 26th. Photos and blogs will be available for review.
About the Creator

Investments (8)
Julie Butler
9 years ago
9 years ago
Meagan Elarton
9 years ago
Bruce Allen
9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
Matt McCullough
9 years ago
Erin Cuellar
9 years ago
Comments (4)
Michelle McLemore February 26, 2016
Meagan February 25, 2016
Michelle McLemore February 24, 2016
Matt McCullough February 24, 2016
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