Writing Stations for My Brilliant 3rd Graders!

Verified Non-Profit

$749 goal

The Description
I am so excited to raise money to purchase writing and literacy station materials for my classroom! I work at Francis D. Pastorius Elementary School in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Our school is part of the Mastery Charter School network, which works to prepare students for postsecondary success and guides them to fulfill their dreams.
Each class at Pastorius Elementary school is given a different college cohort name. My lovely homeroom, Cheyney, is full of bright and motivated 3rd graders. Many of these students are writing and reading 2-3 levels below where they should be in 3rd grade. The materials I requested will give me the ability to differentiate instruction, teach the students how to work independently, and finally give me chance to give small group instruction.
Help give my students an interesting and fun way to learn writing and reading!
Mrs. Lushi and her Cheyney Students!
With these funds I will...buy https://www.lakeshorelearning.com/shopping_cart/shopping_cart.jsp?ASSORTMENT%3C%3East_id=1408474395181113&bmForm=update_shopping_cart&bmFormID=1510086256303&bmSubmit=validate_promotion&bmUID=1510086256303&bmHash=4824b8ca4593c8713b4d63227396c937adbab750
A)1 Reading & Writing Activity Stations- Complete Set ($329.00) https://www.lakeshorelearning.com/seo/p%7C845524441786083~~.jsp
B) 2 Heavy-Duty Pocket Chart ($22.99) https://www.lakeshorelearning.com/seo/p%7CLK297~~.jsp
C) 1 16-Tray Mobile Organizer ($199.00) https://www.lakeshorelearning.com/seo/p%7CFF916~~.jsp
D) 1 Magnetic Story Boar ($29.99) https://www.lakeshorelearning.com/seo/p%7C845524441762528~~.jsp
E)1 More Magnetic Words ($19.99)https://www.lakeshorelearning.com/seo/p%7C845524441762741~~.jsp
F) Magnetic Activity Board ($6.99) https://www.lakeshorelearning.com/seo/p%7CLA288~~.jsp
Back Up Plan
If we do not reach our goal I will purchase...the reading and writing station complete set!
About the Creator

Investments (1)
Nancy Schaer
7 years ago
Comments (1)
Nancy and Ted Schaer November 7, 2017
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