Miami Norland Wrestling: Not just a Sport, But a Lifestyle.

Verified Non-Profit

$2,000 goal

The Description
With these funds, the Norland Wrestling team will be able to fully delve into the sport of wrestling as a legitimate team in the Miami Gardens community. Unfortunately, due to lack of funds and support for wrestling as a sport, our team struggles with very specific needs that directly affect up to 40 students in our family. Some of these basic needs are proper attire for wrestling (Singlets and wrestling shoes), head gears, mats, travel to and from tournaments and mandatory meets, and tournament entry for all qualifying wrestlers. Because these students are highly under-resourced and unacknowledged, it is difficult for these dedicated athletes to compete at the level required of them in other communities.
If we do not meet our goal, I am afraid the Norland Wrestling team will be unable to participate in a copious amount of beneficial events such as invitation-only tournaments, special request wrestling meets, and many other opportunities for our athletes to develop and cultivate new experiences as the student-athletes they work so incredibly hard to be. If we are not awarded this money, I am positive that neither myself, additional coaches, or students will be able to fully fund the immense opportunities the Norland Wrestling team has earned to participate in over the past two years.
Below are links to standard wrestling shoes and singlets most commonly used throughout the wrestling season that are mandatory for practice, wrestling meets, and tournaments. Seen below, without purchase of head gears needed for meets, wrestlers can anticipate to spend at least $100 each before the season even begins. These are the hardships each of our thirty-five wrestlers from low socio-economic communities face each and every year when attempting to become involved in extra-curricular activities. Programs such as this are vital to the leadership, success, and growth of your men and women who are college bound students.
Wrestling Shoes - Website - Dicks Sporting Goods
Wrestling Singlets - (Must add extra payment to include school logo and name) - Website - International Jock
Back Up Plan
If we do not meet our goal, I am afraid the Norland Wrestling team will be unable to participate in a copious amount of beneficial events such as invitation-only tournaments, special request wrestling meets, and many other opportunities for our athletes to develop and cultivate new experiences as the student-athletes they work so incredibly hard to be. If we are not awarded this money, I am positive that neither myself, additional coaches, or students will be able to fully fund the immense opportunities the Norland Wrestling team has earned to participate in over the past two years.
Fundraiser Updates (2)
Thank you!
December 30, 2015
I would like to send out a huge thank you to the investors of this cause!
I have been told that we have received the funds, but unfortunately, I am away for the holidays and have not had a chance to access these amazing donations.
But, rest assured, upon my arrival, these funds will be used to aid the students of this tenacious wrestling team.
Thank you again for all your support and contribution!!!!
Steven Valentine
Miami Norland Wrestling: Not just a Sport, But a Lifestyle.
September 14, 2015
With these funds, the Norland Wrestling team will be able to fully delve into the sport of wrestling as a legitimate team in the Miami Gardens community. Unfortunately, due to lack of funds and support for wrestling as a sport, our team struggles with very specific needs that directly affect up to 40 students in our family. Some of these basic needs are proper attire for wrestling (Singlets and wrestling shoes), head gears, mats, travel to and from tournaments and mandatory meets, and tournament entry for all qualifying wrestlers. Because these students are highly under-resourced and unacknowledged, it is difficult for these dedicated athletes to compete at the level required of them in other communities.
If we do not meet our goal, I am afraid the Norland Wrestling team will be unable to participate in a copious amount of beneficial events such as invitation-only tournaments, special request wrestling meets, and many other opportunities for our athletes to develop and cultivate new experiences as the student-athletes they work so incredibly hard to be.
If we are not awarded this money, I am positive that neither myself, additional coaches, or students will be able to fully fund the immense opportunities the Norland Wrestling team has earned to participate in over the past two years.
About the Creator

I currently hold a Bachelor's degree from the University at Albany (SUNY), and majored in English and Sociology with a minor in Education. It is my goal to eventually pursue my Master's degree in Educational Leadership to further my understanding of the education system and advance myself in practices inside of the classroom.
Outside of the classroom, I also am the Miami Norland Wrestling team Assistant Coach and head Sponsor for The Norland Steppers performance team. It is my firm belief that students who participate in extra-curricular activities and sports gain preparedness for their future college schedules and workloads.
Aside from these activities, it my vision that each student I have the pleasure of teaching or coaching, will attend and graduate from a 4-year institution.
Investments (1)
9 years ago
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