Apps, Videos, and Writing...Oh My!

Verified Non-Profit
$720 goal

The Description
With these funds I able to provide my students with the opportunity to increase their oral language, reading fluency, and awareness of helping their local and global community. This money will directly impact us because we do not have up-to-date devices to keep up with 21st century skills needed. One of the apps that we will be using as well as the videos we will create can only be used on iPads.
My students are wonderful kids. They have so much energy and curiosity that I must continuously keep finding engaging ways to help them increase their reading and writing skills. My students are creative and love reading to their book buddies. They also love to perform. This project will be perfect to helping them encompass all of these skills. My students are made up of at risk students, ESL, and low socioeconomic students. Many are reading at least 2 years below grade level. This project will help them to build their confidence in reading to others as well as improve their writing and oral reading skills. It also will allow students to track their improvement and evaluate their progress in reading fluency.
Our class plans to purchase 3 iPad minis. The cost per unit is $239.00 each. One of the apps that will be used on the iPads is Adobe Voice. This allows students to create and tell their own stories. They will use the cameras to record their reading progress and record their stories to share with their local book buddies. The iPads also will be used to connect students with others globally during the global read aloud and blogging opportunities as a reflection of their readings.
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will purchase... one iPad at a time or a classroom of books to use with students during their book buddy time. I still want the students that opportunity to give back to their community by spreading and helping with the literacy of others around them.
About the Creator

Investments (1)
9 years ago
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