Engineering Using Geometry!

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

With these funds I will... obtain transformation for our field trip to visit and study various bridges throughout the Philadelphia area. I will also use these funds to purchase building materials (popsicle sticks and glue) for students to build their own bridges and compete against each other for Best Bridge!

Back Up Plan

If we do not reach our goal I will purchase...building materials, but we will not be able to visit the bridges in person (we will only be able to see pictures of them in a classroom setting).

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About the Creator

Hello! I am a high school Geometry teacher at Mastery Charter School - Shoemaker Campus in West Philadelphia. I have been here for 6 years now and strive to be a better teacher every day. Geometry lends itself to some of the most hands-on learning opportunities in all of the high school math curriculum. My goal is to create one major hands-on project for each of the four report periods and with your help, this will be number three! So far we have created and used clinometers to study trigonometry; we have also built multi-sided picture frames to study regular polygons; and now we would like to study the geometry of bridges. I have implemented this bridge project in the past, but unfortunately we do not have enough funding anymore :( My students study various bridge structures in the classroom, go on a field trip to see the different structures in person to learn how they hold a load, and ultimately build their own bridges to compete in a competition! We are in need of funding for busses and building materials. The students I teach come from very low income backgrounds, so we try our hardest to not pass along costs to them. We need your help!