Innovating Within Walls

Verified Non-Profit
$2,800 goal
The Description
With these funds I will...
give each student an opportunity to have a device to complement their learning by using a variety of 2.0 tools to personalize their learning. My students have the understanding that data drives their daily goals and the selection of the software or web-based lessons to target learning objectives. They also participate in a workshop schedule to access math, reading, writing, word study, science, and social studies online lessons. I would also for my students to submit paperless assignments within our blended classroom. So, with the addition of chrome books, the students would have access to lessons throughout the day to meet their daily goals, and I would get immediate feedback to monitor and adjust their lessons.
My students also collaborate in project/passion based learning throughout the year, and their curiosity drives them into creating blueprints to improve or create products, places, or systems. I would like to give them the opportunity to make those 'blueprints’ a reality by giving them access to a tinkering section with flexible seating to accommodate a learning space within our classroom.
My students deserve these resources because they have learned to make good choices on how to meet their goals, whether they access their learning through research, books, small group lessons, or online platforms. They have pride in their learning. Lastly, my students have empowered me to take time to write grants and allocate funds to purchase what they need so they can continue to be engaged in their learning.
Therefore, I would like to purchase the following items:
5 chrome books = $300 each
1 drafting table = $100
5 stools (adjustable height) = $99 each
5 Kore chairs 18 inch = $79.99 each
1 classroom divider = $240
Back Up Plan
1 drafting table as my first priority, I will continue to write grants to meet my students' needs.
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