Virtual Reality Comes to Life at SHES

$450 goal

The Description
Thank you for taking the time to consider my students. Many of my students are not able to travel. They have not seen different places in the United States let alone the state capital which is 45 minutes away from where we live. Students are not able to take many field trips because of the amount of money that it cost.
With Google Cardboard, the students will be able to "travel" to new locations and learn about new places. They can even visit our capital while remaining at school and it does not cost them anything. Google cardboard is a great tool that provides the students with a virtual reality. They are able to experience augmented reality using these cardboard boxes along with iPod touches, a free app and youtube.
My students will be able to see the Great Wall of China, Grand Canyon, the Northern Lights, Niagra Falls, outer space and so much more with your help.
With the funds that you provide, I will be able to buy 50 Google Cardboard Virtual Reality Glass Kits. The kits will be used by all grade levels (3rd, 4th, and 5th).
Here is a link to Google Cardboard Glasses They are $7.99 per kit. I would like to be able to purchase 50 of them in order to have 2 full class sets. In order for more than one class to be doing this activity at a time or to ensure that more than one grade level can use them at a time. I wanted 75 but the company did not have that many in stock. Otherwise, I would have done 25 Google Cardboard glasses per grade level to start out with.
Here is a youtube video so that you will understand what I am trying to do with my students.
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will purchase as many as I can. I will work with the students in the classrooms in small groups.
I will make the Google Cardboard Glasses available for check out and work with my students and teachers to make traveling the world a fun and unique experience.
About the Creator

Your Impact
Google Cardboard for 2
Investments (1)
8 years ago
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