Bringing Students To New Heights Through Magazines

Verified Non-Profit

$1,300 goal

The Description
Annie Wilson is the 5th and 6th grade math teacher at Chester A. Arthur Elementary. The math students that she engages with are ready, willing, and eager to learn. They rise to overcome the challenges of daily living and accept opportunities for academic advancement. Wilson's task is to further their academic development as well as to nurture their abilities for math inquiry. Our school is located in Philadelphia, in a neighborhood that has produced citizens who came from humble beginnings to become world renown in a variety of fields. We are supported by a diverse community of neighbors and friends who are willing to go the extra mile to foster student success.
Ms. Wilson seeks funding for DynaMath Scholastic magazine subscriptions to pair with her current math curriculum and to serve as another avenue for math exploration. DynaMath offers opportunities for students to wrestle with real-world math problems through current event articles, videos, and opportunities for additional skill practice. DynaMath combines math inquiry with literacy and science, so skills are not learned or practiced in isolation regardless of academic ability. The magazine also provides interactive games, practice and quizzes.
Our middle school teachers, Jessica Lamson and Desiree Bowman, are also hoping to engage their students even more through magazines. They are raising funds, in conjunction with Ms. Wilson, for magazines that will connect their students to the curriculum. Scholastic magazines cater to virtually every subject. Ms. Lamson and Ms. Bowman are hoping to get ELA and Math magazines for students. Scholastic Scope is an ELA magazine for 7-8th graders that includes:
"Each issue features a wide range of genres, including informational and narrative nonfiction, short fiction, infographics, debates, speeches, and dramas based on myths, classic literature, and history."
"Paired texts require students to synthesize, analyze, and make meaningful cross-genre connections."
"Reader tasks challenge students to analyze texts in the ways they'll be required to on assessments."
"Scope Online features in-depth support with dazzling videos, audio articles, activity sheets, and quizzes modeled on key assessments. Many activities are available at two or more levels to help you differentiate instruction."
"Build argument-writing skills with debates that feature thoughtful writing prompts and clear essay templates."
"Printed Teacher's Guides save you prep time with step-by-step lessons, including close-reading and critical-thinking questions, standards correlations, essential questions, and a breakdown of each article's complexity factors."
"Key grammar concepts are modeled in our stories and then reinforced through great activities!
In total:
- $422.89 for 55 Dynamath subscriptions
- $282.70 for Ms. Bowmans Scholastic Action and Math subscriptions
- $524.60 for Ms. Lamsons Scholastic Scope and Math subscriptions
Back Up Plan
If the goal is not met, teachers will still be able to buy a limited amount of magazines. Students will still have access to the resource but they will not each have their own copy.
About the Creator

Investments (9)
9 years ago
9 years ago
Doug Edwards
9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
Clare Day
9 years ago
Tricia Allen
9 years ago
Eric Christensen
9 years ago
Corey Barnes
9 years ago
Comments (1)
Andyshea Saberioon October 28, 2015
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