Piano for 21st century classroom

Verified Non-Profit

$415 goal

The Description
Do you know how to play an instrument? If you do, you know it takes all kinds of brain processes happening simultaneously for things to sound good. We are the students in grades 1 through 8 and we are raising the funds to purchase a new digital piano for our Piano lab. We love music and we love learning how to play piano. It gives us inspiration, confidence and a positive way to express ourselves. For many of us, music class is what gets us through the day. In our school, not many students can afford to have an instrument at home, so our practice time in class is the only time we get to practice what we love doing. We use instruments every day and after 30+ years, they are aged and not functioning properly (loud keys, dead keys, broken pedals, broken headphone jacks, music rests that don't hold the music.... you name it). We now have $300 raised toward a Yamaha p105 digital piano. The cost of one instrument is $680 (through Guitar center). It's new, it's working, it's awesome! Besides having 88 keys that actually play, the new instrument offers a lot of features that will help us use advancements of modern technology: top of the line piano sound, ability to play with various instrument sounds, built-in metronome, recording, arranging and using software such as GarageBand. Help us be a true 21st century classroom!
Back Up Plan
If we don't reach our entire goal we will keep working on fundraising the funds, so we can eventually purchase the instrument.
Fundraiser Updates (1)
Thank you!
June 5, 2014
Dear Investors!
Our new piano has arrived and it's absolutely wonderful!
Thank you so much for your help!
Students of HarryStone Montessori Academy Piano Class.
About the Creator

Investments (12)
Gita Saberioon
10 years ago
Adam Lewis
10 years ago
Bethany Peters
10 years ago
David Marshall
10 years ago
Dain Ehring
10 years ago
Alan Daniel
10 years ago
Ryan Roberts
10 years ago
Cassie Clayton
10 years ago
Brian Smith
10 years ago
patty pressley
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
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