Media Center Needs Technology!
Verified Non-Profit
$880 goal
The Description
With these funds, I will purchase Osmos and Kindles for centers in the media center. Students come to the media center each week to have a lesson, story time, centers, and check out books. As part of center time, I like to have some sort of technology for them to explore. I have one personally purchased Osmo available and would like to expand that center so that more students could be involved. I teach in a Title I school that has a high percentage of students who qualify for free or reduced lunch. I try to raise money by doing book fairs and writing grants to help supplement materials in the media center without a lot of success. I want to give our kids the experiences they need to be able to keep up in a technologically driven world. Every piece of technology I can expose them to will be beneficial. I know the Osmos need iPads. I have a few of those to use with proposed Osmos. I would like a few Kindles for reading centers. They are cheaper and I feel more comfortable handing them out to students to use in the media center. I have not purchased eBooks because we have had tremendous network problems in the past 3 years. Hopefully, that is being addressed so I would like to have devices available for students to use in the media center.
3 Osmo Genius Kits $99.00 each
5 Kindle Fire Kids Edition $99.00 each
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will purchase as much technology as possible. This might be limited to 1 Kindle Fire or a couple of eBooks! It's about time our kids were exposed to eBooks. If those are not possible I will purchase as many books for students as reading rewards as possible. If I don't raise enough for that, I will purchase books for the media center or prizes for students with the most points in Accelerated Reader.
About the Creator
Investments (5)
8 years ago
Melissa Ambery
8 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
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