Peaceful Solutions

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

With these funds the Pershing teachers and myself will teach positive character education traits such as respect, self-control, honesty and responsibility, just to name a few. We would see a change in the way our children behave and interact with their peers, teachers, family members and other members of society. I also would like to help teenagers to know how to prevent or solve a conflict before the conflict even arises. The problems that are plaguing our schools, our homes and our communities can be prevented by proper training and practice in positive character education. This is why I am asking for you to provide my middle school with 500 Peaceful Solution Character Education student workbooks. Our goal is to raise $12,000 so all 90 teachers can teach the program in their classrooms daily school-wide. The middle school is a crossroads for our youth, and our school wants to begin teaching the students to take the positive road that leads to peace, security and safety for everyone, not just themselves. Your donation for these books is so much appreciated, and no donation is too large or too small. These books will remain in our school for years to come and will aid thousands of students over time. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Please help make our journey to peace possible because everyone benefits when our children make better choices. Please be a part in helping us make our society a better place for all of us. The Peaceful Solution Character Education Program:

Back Up Plan

If I do not meet my goal, I will purchase as many Character Education books as possible for every grade level. That way the students can share them in the classroom.

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About the Creator

I am a bilingual certified school counselor, and I work with middle school students. I have been counseling for ten years now and I enjoy teaching kids making the right choices for their lives.

Investments (4)


Hannah Silver

9 years ago


Hannah Silver

9 years ago



10 years ago



10 years ago