Sparking Student Creativity Through Technology With an Apple TV!

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

My students love to create. In the classroom we often think of creating in the traditional sense of paper, markers, glue, and scissors. But if we are preparing our students to be successful in the digital age, we need to allow them to create digitally as well. That is why I want to introduce my students to an Apple TV.

An Apple TV would be a game changer in our blended learning classroom . In our classroom learning is collaborative, personalized and differentiated. Having an Apple TV will allow students to share their thinking and projects created from the apps they are using. This will fuel my students’ creativity and allow them to engage with the content we are learning about. If this sounds like an opportunity you wish you could have had as a student, please consider investing in our cause. Your generous investment brings this awesome tool one step closer to our students. Here is a breakdown in fundraising for our Apple TV:

Here is the breakdown in cost for fundraising for Apple TV

  • Apple TV - $199.00
  • PledgeCents Platform Fee - $17.35
  • Total - $216.92 (rounded up to the nearest dollar)

Back Up Plan

I will try to supplement the remaining amount with my own funds or through another fundraising source.

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Comments (2)

Dara February 13, 2017

What a fantastic opportunity!

Kelly February 13, 2017

Good luck! This sounds like an incredible opportunity for the class and for students in years to come!

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About the Creator

I teach 2nd grade at a Title 1 school in Wilmington, NC. I love to integrate technology in my classroom that connects students to other students and classroom globally. My students have a class twitter account where they tweet while learning and connecting with students all over the world. Some of my favorite lessons include Skype, blogging, and creating their own learning using ipads.