Boogie Boards for Bodacious Kids

Verified Non-Profit

$115 goal

The Description
With these funds I will...
purchase 5 Boogie Boards to use with my students. As a special education teacher, most of my interactions with students are in small groups. Currently, I use dry erase boards as the primary means of communication with my small groups. They work math problems, play with letter sounds, and answer questions. However, dry erase boards are messy and hard to keep up with. Boogie Boards allow the students to do all the same things except without markers and erasers. To erase their work, they will only need to push a button and to write they use a stylus.
My students need and deserve every opportunity to be successful. These Boogie Boards will increase their engagement and decrease wasted time.
I will purchase 5 Boogie Boards for $21.99 each.
Back Up Plan
I will purchase fewer Boogie Boards for my bodacious kids.
About the Creator

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