Cinderella-The Ashley High School Spring Musical

The Description

"Years of research show that arts education is closely linked to almost everything that we as a nation say we want for our children and demand from our schools: academic achievement, social and emotional development, civic engagement, and equitable opportunity.

Involvement in the arts is associated with gains in math, reading, cognitive ability, critical thinking, and verbal skill. Arts learning can also improve motivation, concentration, confidence, and teamwork."

 Ashley High School is known as the performing arts high school of our district.  We have a strong musical and theater program (both performing and technical).  By putting on a show such as the classic Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella, we are introducing our students to the long-standing tradition of the spectacle musical.  This is a period piece that requires medieval costumes and large set pieces (such as Cinderella's carriage and the castle steps.)  We anticipate a large cast (between 40 to 50 students) and each cast member will have 1 to 2 costumes which must be built specifically for this show.

One of the reasons we chose this show was to allow our students to take part in a musical that relied on classically trained voices.  Many of our local community theaters have done an excellent job giving our students an opportunity to work with a more modern musical, but we would like to allow them a chance to do a traditionally classical musical.  Many of our students are planning on going on to college to study musical theater.  This show gives them a firm foundation to work with when they enter college and must perform a wide variety of vocal music.

Our technical theater students benefit from this musical as well.  They must learn to build a castle, staircase, trees and create magical effects (bippity bopputy boo needs some flourish, after all.)  They will also work with the theater's pulley system as they fly in backdrops and set pieces.  


Our projected costs break down as such:

Publicity: 300 (Covers cost of signs at entrances to the school and posters for students to hang up around town)

Performance Rights: $2,200

Facility Rental/Repair: $500

Costumes: $2,000 (This averages out to $40 per student at 50 students, although Cinderella's ball gown and wedding dress alone will cost approximately $100 per dress)

Sets: $2,000 (This covers a rented backdrop, the purchase of paint and wood for set pieces, purchasing special props that we do not already have on hand, etc.

Printing Programs: $200


Mr. McCarty has already paid for our performance rights (THANKS MR. MCCARTY), but it's up to us to gather the rest of the money needed.

Even if we don't meet our goal, all funds raised will go to the production of Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella. 


Back Up Plan

Even if we do not meet our goal, all funds will still go towards the production of Cinderella.  As we say in theater, "The show must go on!"

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About the Creator

This is my 21st (!) year teaching and I still love it as much as I did when I started, although I am much better at it now (just don't tell that to 23-yr-old me, she'll be insulted). I am an original Screaming Eagle and wouldn't have it any other way. I moved here from Maryland to work at Ashley (well, my husband Jeff thinks I moved for him, but we know the truth). I was so excited to teach here that I even came down a year early to watch the construction.
I have a husband, Jeff, a son, Zac, who is a 7th grader at Murray this year, an old, grouchy cat and a young, spastic dog. I love owls, purple, Duke basketball, Orioles baseball and Audrey Hepburn. In addition to teaching theatre and directing plays I am also the arts department chair and prom coordinator.

Investments (8)


Karen Blackburn

7 years ago


Sheri Adams

8 years ago


Susan Shovlin

8 years ago


Cheryl Newberger

8 years ago


Leah Stacy Cannon

8 years ago


Lindsey McDermott

8 years ago


Kenzie Brogden

8 years ago


Robin Clayton

8 years ago