Building The Foundation: Startup Classroom Supplies

The Description

After completing Teach for America’s - 2018 Dallas-fort-worth Institute I will be responsible for my very own classroom! I can't wait to decorate and meet my students and their families. One of the biggest hurdles that students in high need schools face is a lack of the necessary materials that are needed daily. It makes it infinitely more difficult for students to take part in activities and classwork when they do not have basic supplies.

To get the year started off right, I will use the funds that I raise to purchase the startup supplies needed to welcome my students to a classroom that is clean and stocked full with materials. This will allow me to provide the required supplies to students that otherwise would not have them. I will also purchase copy paper to ensure that I can provide my students with high quality learning materials, whether that is exit tickets, independent activities, or homework. Thank you so much in advance for supporting me and my students at the beginning of this exciting journey.

Every dollar I receive will be put towards classroom supplies so anything you can contribute really will make a difference for my first year. I want to make a great impression and a lasting impact on my first group of students and letting them know that they have a community that supports them both near and far will definitely get us on the right track. Here is a complete list of the materials that your generous investment will help provide for the students of my very first classroom:

Back Up Plan

If I do not meet my goal, I will purchase as many materials as possible. I will prioritize the materials that are most essential to students (pencils, paper, etc.) as they are the most important to ensuring that students can participate in daily lessons.

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Comments (6)

Jay & Esther Lee July 29, 2018

Ellie - Congratulations on securing a position with Teach For America!! You have such a serving heart. Your assigned school and students are blessed to have you!

Daniel Bowers July 26, 2018

So proud of you Ellie!

Nagel Family July 24, 2018

Congrats Ellie! We know you will make a difference in the lives of these students.

The Coleman Family July 24, 2018

We love you, Ellie!

Sharmaine Cheleden July 24, 2018

Ellie, thank you for taking on this important job! A dedicated teacher can truly changes lives. We know you will be such a gift to the community where you will teach. We'll be cheering for you and sending strength your way. With love, Sharmaine Cheleden and family

The Holders July 24, 2018

Cheering you on, Ellie- you’re going to rock it!!! Prayers for a wonderful school year. Your students are so fortunate to have you as their teacher!

:) The Holders

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About the Creator

Year 1 is done, and it's time to gear up for year 2! I am pleased to be headed back to North Dallas High School for my second year in the classroom as a 10th grade World History teacher. With a year under my belt, I am excited to continue to grow as a teacher, and create a classroom even better suited for my students. North Dallas HS has become my home, and I have absolutely loved getting to know the names, faces, and personalities of our students. It is truly a special place, and this year, I'll continue to give back not just in the classroom, but also as head Student Council adviser. Of course, I'll also continue to attend all the sports games (if you kept up with my year this year, you probably saw lots of Instagram stories at the football field, soccer field, or at the baseball diamond). All of this is to say, last year would not have been possible without the help of my wonderful friends and family who donated to my classroom. So, I decided to continue to include my people in this work so my students may continue to benefit from your generosity. Partner with me and my crazy amazing 10th graders for the 2019-2020 school year!