Investing In Our Future Scientists

Verified Non-Profit

$4,718 goal

The Description
With these funds I will...purchase 16 chrome books for my classroom. I currently have 8 chrome books supplied by SBISD. My class sizes vary from 17-24 students. To be 21st century learners,where every child can complete assignments/ projects individually and digitally, I would need to have 16 more chrome books. We use technology regularly in science, and it would be so helpful if every child could work and learn on their own computer. This is an investment for our future. Incoming 6th graders come from diverse backgrounds, and many of them are not computer savvy. If each student had a computer, they could hone their research and keyboarding skills. Please help my kids to become 21st century learners, and ready to meet the future demands of an ever changing American workforce.
Back Up Plan
If we do not reach our goal I will purchase...As many chromebooks as we raise money for.
About the Creator

SBISD is a district of innovation, and we utilize technology as much as possible at WAIS. I have 8 chromebooks in my classroom. My largest class is usually 25 students, so I am trying to get 17 more chromebooks for my classroom. It would be tremendously helpful if each student had their own computer to complete assignments and projects on. This is my goal: every child has an electronic device to use during my Science class!
Investments (7)
Pat Belledin
7 years ago
David Knowles
7 years ago
7 years ago
Elisha Diaz
7 years ago
Lynn McMullin
7 years ago
Max & Darla Felts
7 years ago
Roy Adame
7 years ago
Comments (2)
Elisha Diaz August 16, 2017
Lynn McMullin August 14, 2017
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