Creating Reading Superstars!

The Description

Building a classroom library can be quite the undertaking, but it is also a fun-filled activity! I love selecting books that will be engaging and interesting to my students. Knowing that I am building curiosity and excitement in my students means the world to me.

With your generous donation, you are making it possible for me to bring this opportunity to my students. Being a Title I school means that many of my students do not have access to quality reading materials outside the classroom. Therefore, I want to load my classroom with reading opportunities for my students. These books will also be sent home for the students to share with their families.

Our reading curriculum follows the research based program founded by Fountas and Pinnell. I have selected a comprehensive kit containing materials created by them to follow our curriculum. The students reading instruction will include Read Alouds, Shared Reading and Independent Reading.

Follow the link below to see what I will be able to provide for my students with your generous donation.


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About the Creator

I am a second grade Language Arts teacher at a Title I school. Title I schools have an enrollment of 75% or more economically disadvantaged students.