Environmental Health Indicators

Verified Non-Profit

$500 goal

The Description
With these funds I will...partner with the NC Aquarium at Fort Fisher and the wetlands area at Halyburton Park to train our students on being citizen science volunteers for the Frog Watch USA program. The funds will provide bus transportation to the aquarium for the students to be trained as Frog Watch Volunteers. Money will also be used to purchase guide books and frog call recordings for the classrooms so students can learn all about frog and toad life cycles, the ecosystems of the amphibians and the adaptations these animals have in order to survive in their environments. Additionally, we will purchase a high quality recorder to record live frog calls in wetland areas to bring back to class for the students who were unable to attend the evening Frog Watch excursions.
Our students are so excited about learning. Exposing these students to hands-on, real-life scientific observation, data collection, and data reporting makes learning meaningful. This project is beyond textbook learning. The students will be in the "field" learning and researching like professionals. It will allow these students opportunities that may not be attainable from home. We have a diverse group of students that come from all races, cultures, and socio-economic backgrounds, but we can all learn. It is important to me, as a teacher, that my students are exposed to multiple possibilities for their futures.
Costs for this program:
- Bus transportation = $140 (approx.)
- Frog guide books with CD of frog calls = $20 each (approx.) x 3 classrooms = $60
- Digital recorder = $100 (approx.)
- Supplies such as notebooks, snacks for excursions, headlamps for night outings = $200
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will purchase...the transportation for the training is a priority. It will allow our PTA to use that money for other school needs instead of our buses. Second in priority would be to order only one guide book/cd for each class, even though this limits small group exploration and practice with identifying frog calls. Thirdly in priority, would be the recorder. It is my hope that most students can attend evening excursions since the wetland is within walking distance of the school.
Fundraiser Updates (2)
March 30, 2016
We held our first Frog Watch USA data collection excursion tonight at Halyburton Park. Here are the stats:
- 48 participants
- 3 minutes of silence (can you believe it???)
- 2-3 frogs were heard and digitally recorded
- Recordings have been uploaded and shared with classes
We will attempt to identify the frogs we heard later this week, and we will submit our data online to the Frog Watch USA database! It was so exciting to hear actual frogs. The kids really noticed that the longer we stood silently, the more the frogs croaked for us! I can't wait for our next data collection excursion.
With Your Help
November 3, 2015
We received Frog Watch USA Training at the NC Aquarium at Fort Fisher. We've also ordered our field guides complete with frog and toad information and CD's with frog calls. We have almost mastered identifying 5 frogs local to our area! We can't wait to share more of our success with you!
About the Creator

Investments (13)
Kim Gowdy
9 years ago
Karen Cegelski
9 years ago
Karen Cegelski
9 years ago
Joanne Bowers
9 years ago
Karen Cegelski
9 years ago
Christine Strahley
9 years ago
9 years ago
Andrew Gould
9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
Susan Friedl
9 years ago
Lawrence Shoe
9 years ago
The McNulty Family
9 years ago
Comments (3)
Kelly Crowley September 2, 2015
Kelly Crowley August 31, 2015
The McNulty's August 31, 2015
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