Read To Lead

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

With these funds I will...

  • Be able to have more incentives for our innovators to read and meet their goals.
  • Be able to take our top ten million word readers to an end of year field trip for working extremely hard.
  • Be able to use the money to provide monthly celebrations for students to motivate them to continue their growth mindset.


Why do our innovators deserve this?

Our goal as a school is to provide amazing opportunities for our students to learn and develop skills that they will utilize not only in their schooling life, but life in general.  As the ELA teacher for 6th grade, my goal is to build incentives that will motivate our students to read everyday.  I do not want them to think of this as task but more of building a love of learning through books.  Our innovators read on a daily basis and we monitor their progress through the amount of words they read.  At the end of the year, some of our readers reach up to 5,000,000 words, which is an amazing feat.  I want to reward these efforts for going above and beyond by having them understand how this is something worth celebrating. Also to continue to push their reading life by having a sense of accomplishment from these efforts that they put forth.  I am so proud of our students and there are so many opportunities that they do not get to experience because of economic and social emotional issues that they deal with on a day-to-day basis.  

Not only will this money go to our top readers but it will also directly impact all 112 6th graders on campus on a monthly basis.  Each student has individualized reading goals based their reading levels and these efforts need to be celebrated as well.  I want to build in new celebrations and motivations that our students can look forward to for the hard effort they put in.  My goal is for the students to realize how reading will be a big part of their lives and having them embrace this journey now will have lasting effects for their future. 

By donating, you directly impacting our students by rewarding there efforts.  As a teacher, I wish I could do this for every student if I had the funds.  I want to build small rewarding systems so that our students can enjoy their learning and give them new experiences that they truly deserve.

Back Up Plan

If I do not meet my goal I will STILL purchase...

  • Incentives for our students on a monthly basis for our 6th grade readers
  • Use the money towards the end of year field trip for our top ten millionaire readers.

All the proceeds help immensely. Our students deserve the best and I want o put my best effort into providing this experience for them.  I am lucky to get to work with them each and every day but I am even luckier when I see how hard they work and how much more they grow from reading books!

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Comments (4)

Miguel Brizuela March 19, 2016

you can do this! keep it going mario!

tammy Panlilio March 8, 2016

Love that you're encouraging your students to do big things, Mario! You are such a difference maker in the community!! Thank you! <3

Alexander Mollazadeh & Alexandra Dagenais March 7, 2016

We are very proud to support Mario and his students!

Mia Mortiz February 26, 2016

Mr. Echeverria,

I hope you make your goal !!!

Mia Mortiz

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About the Creator

I am a founding 6th grade teacher at KIPP Academy of Innovation in East Los Angeles.

Investments (25)


Abigail Arechiga

8 years ago


Elsie Franco

8 years ago


Bobadilla Family

8 years ago


Kim Gee

8 years ago



8 years ago


Miguel Brizuela

8 years ago



8 years ago


Hayley Murugesan

8 years ago



8 years ago



8 years ago


Alexander Mollazadeh

8 years ago



8 years ago



8 years ago



8 years ago



9 years ago


Yesenia Castro

9 years ago


Analia Diaz

9 years ago


Maria F Ortiz

9 years ago



9 years ago


Benjamin Olague

9 years ago


Catherine Martinez

9 years ago



9 years ago


Desiree Yoo

9 years ago


Cinthia Rivas

9 years ago


Edith Rodriguez

9 years ago