Tools of the Trade

Verified Non-Profit
$205 goal
The Description
With these funds I will purchase tools that will encourage active learning, assist in developing my writers, and minimize outside distractors. A package of Expo Dry Erase Markers are listed on the student school supply list. However, very few of my students came to school with this supply item. I try my best to supplement our classroom needs with frequent purchases of pencils, Kleenex boxes, cleaning wipes, snacks for hungry students, and small birthday acknowledgement gifts. Our class family would greatly benefit from 5 packages of black Expo Dry Erase Markers that cost $4.33/pack, with a grand total price of $21.65 from Walmart. These markers will be used by all students when they are completing math problems, spelling practice, and test review work. Dry erase boards and the tools that accompany them are engaging and purposeful for students to quickly show their understanding of the concept.
My students are writers! Much time is devoted in 4th grade to writing stamina, revision, and selection/publication of written pieces. I'd love to give my students additional choices to display and publish their hard work! I am requesting 6 packages of Hammermill Colored Copy Paper. A simple choice of color adds a lot of student motivation and appreciation! These 6 packages of colored copy paper will be purchased at Walmart. Each packages costs $6.02, with a total of $36.12 spent on colored copy paper. Additionally, I'd like to acquire a paper trimmer. This classroom resource would only be operated by me (for safety reasons). However, students may fill out a "work order" specifying the desired cut dimensions. When my students make their electricity house, they will benefit from small rectangular strips of paper with their detailed explanations of each step. Also, when my students construct their tri-fold board informing their classmates about the history of Missouri, they will enjoy the option of various sizes of cut paper. I intend on purchasing this paper cutter from Walmart. It costs $43.
I would like to minimize outside distraction and reduce frustration that is caused by the heavy metal legs on each students' chair. The bottom of the student chair legs scrape our floor and create a displeasing loud sound every time a child moves their chair. I would like to eliminate this by adding tennis balls to the bottom of each chair leg. I am requesting 4 packs of Penn Championship Tennis Balls. Each pack from Walmart cost $25.97 and includes 36 tennis balls. The total for this is $103.88. This might seem like a trivial nuisance, but in a classroom with 18 active nine and ten-year olds, this creates quite a distraction, student frustration, and is really hard on our classroom floor. I want to my students to be able to perform at the best of their ability and to eliminate as many obstacles as I can!
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will purchase as many of the desired quantities of these requested tools that I can!
About the Creator
Investments (2)
Lisa Maloney
9 years ago
9 years ago
Comments (2)
Lynne Brooks September 24, 2015
Lisa Maloney September 24, 2015
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