Engineering Notebooks

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

Documentation is vital to the engineering design process. With these funds I will be able to provide my students with a full experience of engineering as they will each be able to use a professional engineering notebook. Currently, our notebooks are a mess because we have to glue in grid paper when they make sketches. I want to purchase 75 National Brand Engineering and Science Notebooks which are $5.25 each from Please support my kids so they can successfully complete complex design challenges! 

Back Up Plan

If we don't reach our entire goal we will...use the money to buy regular grid notebooks. 

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About the Creator

My love and enthusiasm for science led me to becoming a science teacher. My science classes incorporate 21st Century Skills, specifically the integration of technology and collaboration. I utilize research based and data driven teaching methods, such as, Project Based Learning and guided to full inquiry. Through incorporation of these teaching methods, students experience science as science is in the real world. I acknowledge and embrace the cross discipline nature of science and incorporate writing and history into my classes. Through these methods, I hope that students leave my science classroom with a scientific view of the world which they can use to make informed decisions within their lives.

Investments (4)



10 years ago



10 years ago


vicki g wood

10 years ago


Paul Smith

10 years ago