Weathering, Erosion and.....DRONES!!!!

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

I have a very diverse group of scholars that is uniquely active in class activities. They are composed of multiple races and ethnicity .With these funds I will get my scholars a DJI spark drone. This will help them learn about Earth Science in a hands-on with inquiry-based learning environment. My scholars will be learning about weathering, erosion and deposition. They will be able to analyze how the processes of weathering, erosion and deposition has shaped the different ecoregions of Texas. Additionally, my scholars will be able to predict and describe how catastrophic events we experience in the Houston area - such as Hurricane Harvey, tornadoes, and floods -can impact our ecosystems recover from catastrophic events. The DJI spark drone will help my scholars gain confidence, in their skills and overcome their hesitancy with technology. My scholars need a drone to increase STEM learning and engagement. I find that by getting my students involved in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) learning will increase problem solving skills through investigation, research, and troubleshooting.

Back Up Plan

If we do not reach our goal I will purchase a lesser value drone to use in my classroom.

Fundraiser Updates (1)

Thank You

April 3, 2019

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to implement the instructional materials, my scholars will begin to see themselves as true critical thinkers and scientists. Thinkers of tomorrow, innovators of tomorrow, doers of today! We will use these materials to aid us in the process of becoming life-long learners. Thank you for your support to make this a reality. Thank you on behalf of my scholars. My students and I deeply appreciate your much-needed donation to make this project a reality. Having individuals who support this has made such a difference. We're off to a great year through the lens of science!

With gratitude,
Mrs. Azeem

Comments (6)

Farkhunda Azeem February 28, 2019

Thank You Jillian P and Bush.

Farkhunda Azeem February 27, 2019

Thank You Yutai and Lizzie!!!!

Farkhunda Azeem February 11, 2019

Thank You David Richmond.

Farkhunda Azeem January 29, 2019

Thank You Landon K.

Farkhunda Azeem January 15, 2019

Thank You Zachary El-Badawi for your generous contrribution.

Farkhunda Azeem November 28, 2018

Thank You,Daniel Houston,

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About the Creator

I am a 7th grade Science teacher in a Title I public school in Houston.

Investments (22)


Debbie Green

6 years ago


Farkhunda Azeem

6 years ago



6 years ago



6 years ago


Mohammed Azeemuddin

6 years ago


Farkhunda Azeem

6 years ago


Farkhunda Azeem

6 years ago


Mahammad Khan Durani

6 years ago


Farkhunda Azeem

6 years ago



6 years ago



6 years ago


Farkhunda Azeem

6 years ago



6 years ago


Farkhunda Azeem

6 years ago



6 years ago


Denise Stanton

6 years ago


Carrie Plouse

6 years ago



6 years ago


Farkhunda Azeem

6 years ago



6 years ago


Zaman Azhar

6 years ago


Kristen Emerson

6 years ago