Technology for Special Education Students

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

Your contribution will provide students with many opportunities to access technology. My students have to share a laptop cart with four other classrooms approximately 120 other students. Having their own laptops in their classroom and a cart will let my students have continuous access to so many wonderful apps. The majority of my students do not have laptops or technology available at home, so their only exposure is in the classroom.

2015 Newest Model HP 11.6-Inch Chromebook ($189.99 each):

Learniture - Black 12-Outlet Locking Laptop/Tablet Charging Cart ($374.99 + shipping):


My students have many different types of disabilities from ADHD to Intellectual Disability. They all learn at different speeds and require different standards for learning. I have found that ALL of my students love to use the computers for learning. 

I am looking to purchase ChromeBooks Laptops, which are approximately $200 to $250 per laptop $3,750 and a locking laptop cart for $425.00 for a total of $4,125.00

Back Up Plan

If we do not meet my goal we will purchase as many laptops as we can with the amount of money we raise. Technology is an necessary part of education today so only having a few laptops is better than none. 

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Comments (2)

Maria Lewis December 29, 2015

Judy, It was so nice to speak with you. I know it's been difficult but I am happy you are well and in a great new place. Thank you so much for your donation! I really appreciate your generosity! Have a great New Year!!

Judy Rosetsky December 27, 2015

Keep up the great work, Maria

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About the Creator


I am a second career teacher. I was in the financial world for many years and felt empty. I would go to work and thought I am not making the world a better place, then after much contemplation I became a teacher.

I am excited everyday for the prospect of touching the future. I only wish I began this career as a young person, because teachers work harder than any other profession I know.

Investments (4)



9 years ago


Judy Rosetsky

9 years ago



9 years ago


Cecilia Bradbury

9 years ago