We Come From Many Homes

Verified Non-Profit

$3,261 goal

The Description
With these funds, our school's beautiful diversity will be represented through mounted flags that represent their families' home countries. Our 7th-12th grade school in South Philadelphia is unlike any other school. Our student body is Laoasian, Cambodian, Italian, Lebanese, Pakistani, Irish, Vietnamese, Mexican, Chinese, Guatemalan, Sierra Leonian, Jamaican, Algerian, Puerto Rican, Dominican, Ecuadorian, and from many more homes!
Our students and staff unite under our motto, "One Team." We wear our One Team shirts on special occasions like during Spirit Week, and even on some very difficult occasions, such as the day after one of our own children was shot and killed due to senseless gun violence last year. And in conjunction with our One Team spirit here at Thomas High School, we proudly embrace our differences and offerings as a result of our families' unique histories. Additionally, we embrace our students in marginalized communities such as LGBT and Special Education, whose flags we also want to fly high.
A country flag and mounting kit will cost approximately $100 per fixture. With your investment, our school will become a more colorful, inclusive, and culturally representative space that our young people deserve.
Back Up Plan
If we do not reach our goal I will purchase as many flags as we can, and begin the process of making our school building look as diverse as our school body is.
About the Creator

I moved from Baltimore to Philadelphia, to be with my now-husband, and although I missed Bmore's kids (shout out to Mount Royal Middle School!!) I've fallen in love with teaching in Philadelphia.
Currently, I teach 10th grade Literature, after having spent nine years in the 7th grade. I'm loving the change, and especially the fact that I get to re-teach the kids I taught just a few years ago. It has taught me to respect and honor every child's potential; some kids that struggled immensely in the 7th grade are now positively thriving.
I've haven't yet tried raising money for my students through investors, but I'm grateful for the opportunity to connect with folks who aren't in schools every day but still believe in and support our youth. Our children are not only the future- they are our present!
Your Impact
Country Flag and Mount Kit
Group Rights Flag and Mount Kit
Investments (6)
Tina Dy
7 years ago
Matthew Falco
7 years ago
Chelsea York
7 years ago
Kyla Harol
7 years ago
Danielle Mayo
7 years ago
Dana Cavallaro Dignam
7 years ago
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