Clay Studio Dreamin

Verified Non-Profit

$1,700 goal
The Description
With these funds I will...enhance my students’ learning and overall art experience!
I am requesting funding to help me upgrade my ceramics program through the purchase stools for my students to sit in, and glazes, tool and items to organize our creative space. The money from this fundraiser will give my students the ability to make higher quality work by having access to better tools and an assortment of glaze colors- all while working comfortably in art stools instead of broken chairs.
If I could I would give my students the world! But the reality is- I am a teacher and there is only so much I can afford to pay out of pocket. We do not have a budget and the only money that we have for the program is what is collected from student fees- which at a Title 1 School can be a real struggle to collect. My students deserve to have the same access to materials as schools with bigger (or actual!) budgets.
The back of my classroom is the clay studio area and when I came to this school I didn’t have any chairs for that area. Over the years I have acquired some seating, mostly broken chairs, from around the school. I would love to have stools for my students to sit in that are comfortable and that can be stored under the table when not in use. My classes are HUGE and I am always thinking about maintaining open walkways for student safety. What a dream it would be to have art stools for my students, at least 24!
I would also like to purchase some clay tools, glazes and underglazes for my students so that they can dream bigger and produce even better work than they already do!
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will many stools as I can and glazes for my students!
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