The Bear Writers take on Washington D.C.

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

I teach at East High School in Kansas City Public Schools. Our school’s motto is “Many nations, one home.” We have over 40 languages and countries represented in our student body. People think this means my students have seen the world, but many have only seen Missouri.

Last year, after reading "The Freedom Writers" my students decided they also wanted to travel like the students in the book.They voted to visit the University of Iowa, my alma mater. Out of state trips never happen at our school, so we had a lot of red tape and had to raise nearly $3,000 for a bus to take us to Iowa City. My students hustled so hard for 4 short weeks and raised the money by selling Mexican snacks and candies, with donations from family and friends. We visited Iowa last May!


This year, they’re dreaming even bigger. We want to travel to Washington D.C. My students would be able to visit colleges like Georgetown, American and George Washington University, and make this American dream a reality. They can see the Constitution and monuments to our freedoms. In addition, one of the days will be focused on a community service project and talking to people in their career fields of interest. Taking 27 of my Advanced English students is going to cost $1,000 per student or in total $27,0000.

Donations of over $25 or more are eligible to receive a Raygun t-shirt to support the cause. (You must fill out the Google form to receive a t-shirt.)

Please contact Jostna Dash at with any questions or concerns.
If you donate over $25 on PledgeCents, fill out this form to receive your complimentary t-shirt!
*Please not that t-shirts are only available for pick up and will not be mailed.

Back Up Plan

If I do not meet my goal, not every student will be able to go on this trip and we will have to either choose a new location or have only a few students go. 

Fundraiser Updates (3)

13 hours left and just $80 away!

April 30, 2017

Last week the Bear Writers raised $1,000 selling chocolate to friends and family. Now, we are just $80 and 13 hours away from reaching our goal. Please share our page one last time if you can!

We reached $1,000!

April 24, 2017

Hi Bear Writers Investors,

Good news! Today we reached $1,000! We are currently 39% funded. Could you help us out by sharing a link to our fundraising page? We still need money for transportation while we are in D.C. and meals for students. We do not want this trip to be a financial burden on our peers or chaperones. Please help us out if you can!

Thank you!

Ms. Dash and the Bear Writers



We're on our way to D.C.!

April 20, 2017

Dear Bear Writers Supporter,

We just wanted to let you know that our tickets and hotel have been booked! We take off on Friday, May 12th- less than a month away! We are still raising money so this trip isn't a financial burden for us. The money we are raising  will help with transportation and meals while in D.C. We are about $22 away from $700. Please share our page with your networks if you can. It would help us a lot.

And again, thank you so much for believing in us and your generous donation!


Ms. Dash and the Bear Writers

Comments (2)

Ankita April 25, 2017

Go Bear Writers!

Natasha April 24, 2017

Good luck! Can't wait to see you and your students in D.C.

Much love!

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About the Creator

I teach 10th grade English at East High School in Kansas City, Missouri. My vision is that my students leave my classroom knowing how to advocate for themselves, so they can achieve any opportunity they can dream.

Investments (44)


Alyssa Howard

7 years ago


Kristin Pfeiffer

7 years ago



7 years ago


Jessica Kamuru

7 years ago


Jenna Headrick

7 years ago


Melissa Noland

7 years ago


Arjun Ravindran

7 years ago


Donta Goodwin

7 years ago


Hillary Blunt

7 years ago


Karis Parker

7 years ago


Jennifer Flory

7 years ago


Ankita Dhussa

7 years ago



7 years ago


Tom Stephens

7 years ago



7 years ago


Kirsten Brown

7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago


Chris Lund

7 years ago


Julie Gronquist-Blodgett

7 years ago


Natasha Mahapatro

7 years ago


Katherine Nieves

7 years ago


Aditya Voleti

7 years ago


Debi Stewart

7 years ago



7 years ago


Gita Smith

7 years ago


Andrea Blunt

7 years ago


Kristin Bergman

7 years ago



7 years ago


Kristine Milburn

7 years ago


Kotheid Nicoue

7 years ago


Shannon Jaax

7 years ago



7 years ago


Bri Van Til

7 years ago


Carol Howard

7 years ago


Poorvi Desai

7 years ago


Aaron Horsfield

7 years ago


JoEllen Wood

7 years ago



7 years ago


Charlotte Rogers

7 years ago


Chris Rosson

7 years ago


Nora Freyman

7 years ago


Mark Lueckenhoff

7 years ago


Kevon O'Rear

7 years ago