Flexible Seating in our JAG-K Classroom at THS

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

With these funds I will purchase flexible or alternative seating for our Jobs for America's Graduates-Kansas Classroom.  The five goals of the JAG-K program are career development, civic awareness, leadership development, social awareness and community service. We accomplish these goals through classroom activities, experiential and educational field trips, guest speakers and in and out of school community service projects. JAG-K is a non-traditional class but is currently meeting in a traditional classroom. We would like to have alternative seating options for students to be more comfortable and therefore more focused while in the room. We would like to have bag chairs, bungee chairs, cushions, rugs, clipboards, lap desks, lamps and other lighting options to create a peaceful environment. These students sit in hard, non-ergonomic desks all day and could really benefit from a soft, comfortable seat for at least 50 minutes of the day.


Back Up Plan

If we do not reach our goal I will purchase as many alternative seating and lighting items as I can with however much we raise.

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About the Creator

11th & 12th grade Job's for America's Graduates-Kansas (JAG-K) Career Specialist @ Turner High School in Kansas City, KS