Lights, Camera, Action...No Wait, We Need The Lights!

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

With these funds I will complete the ongoing project of making an old office space into a true blackbox theatre, worthy of the time and commitment my students put into their rehearsals and performances. We need a professional lighting system for many reasons: I want to teach lighting and tech as a part of my upperclassmen curriculum; I want to add legitimacy to our small budget productions; I want students to feel like their investment in theatre has really paid off. What better way to accomplish these things than to have some real theatrical lighting in our space?

Here is a link to our dream package:

It includes all the lighting instruments and bulbs we need to get started on this learning process. With eight instruments, two light tress, bulbs, and board, we can take this classroom to the next level and start to offer more impressive shows in our yearly production line up!

Back Up Plan

If we do not meet this goal, we will purchase a smaller kit, perhaps starting with two or four lighting instruments as we work our way up to a full set of eight. Each year as we grow this program a little more and a little more, and we are excited about the journey, not just getting to the finish line!

Fundraiser Updates (1)

We Did It!

August 22, 2016

Thanks to some amazing supporters, we reached our goal faster than we could have imagined! Thank you to everyone who donated-- every cents truly counts. We cannot wait to purchase this amazing light kit and get our theatre space really up and running!

Comments (3)

Kent Bogle August 15, 2016

You are being a tremendous blessing to those you share your talents with. I am proud to be able to support your efforts.

Jill Brumer August 12, 2016

Thank YOU! I truly couldn't do this without your support.

Jennifer Rex August 11, 2016

Thank you for all you do for our "village."

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About the Creator

Jill has been teaching theatre for 10 years, spanning across many levels, including college and middle school. She was hired by KIPP Houston Public Schools to found the Theatre program at their academically-rigorous original charter school, which works to get low-income, minority students in the Houston area to and through college.