Discovering the World

Verified Non-Profit
$750 goal

The Description
With these funds I will...purchase a couple (7) of tablets for my students to be able to use different applications and research different science topics we will be studying and getting a closer look to how they are in real life. In this technology era, many of these students already know how to use technology. This is a great opportunity to tie that piece of their knowledge to contect areas to enhance their motivation into learning academic areas.
I have found these HP tablets. I would like to be able to purchase at least 7 tablets ($89/tablet) to have enough for them to share with a partner or small groups.
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will purchase...less tablets depending on the amount of money donated. Each one costs $89 plus taxes. If I don't even reach that amount, then I will use the money to purchase already made science centers for the students to practice concepts learned.
About the Creator

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