Sphero Chariots
$92 goal
The Description
With these funds I will purchase supplies that will allow my students to construct chariots for our Spheros. I was fortunate enough to be awarded a grant to purchase Spheros at the beginning of this school year. Spheros are balls that can be programmed through an app. My students have been learning how to write programs to make a square and programs to move the Sphero thorough mazes. Before the year is over, my students will also be writing programs that will portray character actions within novels that are being read in their literacy classes to help aid students in developing better comprehension skills. Programming the Spheros has allowed opportunities for my students to use skills such as problem solving, collaboration, and critical thinking. Besides, coding is fun! It is so fun that I have stared lunchtime coding clubs to allow further opportunities for my students to computer code using the Spheros. One challenge I would like to extend to my lunchtime and eventually after school programmers is the Chariot Sphero challenge. As a part of this challenge, students will be introduced to the history of chariots and then asked to build a chariot for their Sphero. During the challenge, students will research chariots, plan multiple designs for a chariot, build a chariot, design an "arena" for the chariot, write a program for the Chariot Sphero to ride in the "arena", and finally run the program.
My students deserve opportunities to learn more about computer coding. After all, it is the language to learn. I have heard computer coding be referred to as the billion dollar opportunity since programmers are in such high demand. Therefore, I feel strongly about providing opportunities for students to learn computer coding. Not to mention, coding fosters highly important 21st Century skills like critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity.
With the requested funds I will purchase the following items:
Felt: $10.00
Pipe Cleaners (300 ct): $6.96
Small Clear Plastic cups (80 ct): $5.60
Aluminum Foil (90 sq feet): $5.94
CD's (50 pack): $9.85
Paper Clips: $2.00
Straws (300 ct): $6.00
Knex (619 pc set): $45.00
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will purchase as many supplies as possible to complete the Spehero Chariot Challenge.
About the Creator
Investments (4)
Megan Ellis
8 years ago
James Williams
8 years ago
Jennifer Payton
8 years ago
Pam Dean
8 years ago
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