Culinary Exchange Trip to France

Verified Non-Profit

$22,000 goal
The Description
Many of my students don't have the luxury of being able to travel. Some have not even left the city our school is in! So when our principal approached us about this trip we couldn't believe the chance that was thrown upon us. We are a traditional high school with about 3,000 students in the 5th largest school district in the country. While being so big, it is hard to raise money and get students to explore outside the classroom. This is why we have chosen to work with PledgeCents!
Most of my students head off to culinary school after they graduate, but some go straight into the work force. This opportunity is going to open their eyes wider then I could ever imagine. They will see a whole new side to our industry when it comes to education and styles of teaching. With your investment in these students your are helping the next generation of hospitality professional better themselves and the industry in the future!
With the funds we are trying to raise, we will be able to finance the major expenses that will allow my students a once-in a life time experience.
Our airline tickets are taking up the major chunk of this cause with $12,500 going towards airfare.
The next major expense will be our hotel stay for our trip. We will use $7,000 to cover our rooms at the beginning of the trip in Paris and the last night of our trip near the airport.
The remaining funds which we are trying to raise is $2,500. This will go to our Eurorail train trip to and from the south of France and meet up with our exchange counter part in Montpellier at the Hospitality school Lycée des Metiers Georges Freche.
When breaking down our costs we find it to be roughly $2,750 per student to attend this trip with travel and lodging.
From my students and myself we want to thank any investor who helps our cause. We know there are many options and causes to work with, but we are very thankful you have chosen ours! Go Trojans!
To learn more about our program and follow our trip, you can follow us on social media with Twitter and Instagram @jptprostart
Back Up Plan
If we do not meet our goal, I will have to cover as much as possible from the amount generated. As for the rest, we will have to charge the remaining cost to our students.
About the Creator
Your Impact
ProStart Class
Culinary School
1st job
James Beard Donation
Michelin Star Donation
Investments (17)
Debbie Bouhenguel
8 years ago
Antonett Rodriguez
8 years ago
Dan Lundberg
8 years ago
Carmen Sabalsa
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
Sandra Nunez
8 years ago
Pizza Time Coral Springs
8 years ago
Anthony Coppola
8 years ago
Anna Marie Pierpont
8 years ago
8 years ago
Jared Fink
8 years ago
8 years ago
Mark Hendershot
8 years ago
Taylor Barbera
8 years ago
Laura Gonzalez
8 years ago
Anne Sallee
8 years ago
Comments (4)
Debbie B December 1, 2016
Sandy Nunez Executive Board Leader BTU October 26, 2016
Pizza Time Italian Restaurant October 19, 2016
Laura Gonzalez. August 10, 2016
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