Public Speaking Class Podium

Verified Non-Profit

$100 goal

The Description
Hello everyone! My name is Amy Grisbee, and I am trying to raise money to purchase a podium for my Public Speaking students. If raised, we will be able to buy a nice podium for all of my speech students to use and present from. Having a podium is a big deal - it allows students to put down their manuscript or outline speech versus holding it. Students often fidget with their speech if they have to hold it the while presenting, and this can unfortunately show how nervous they are. I'm sure you all can remember a time when a classmate or colleague was speaking, but all you were looking at was the shaky piece of paper!
Having a podium would allow my students to feel more professional as well and this is a big deal. I work at a charter school that serves low-income families, and it is my mission in this class to provide them with the opportunity to build on their self-confidence in order to help them succeed. I believe that having a podium would be a great way to assist in that process.
Thank you so much for considering my cause. Anything you can do will help!!
- Amy
Back Up Plan
If I am unable to fully fund the $100.00 for the podium, I will use whatever money is raised to pay for miscellaneous classroom supplies - pencils, pens, highlighters, and legal pads.
Fundraiser Updates (1)
The Podium Is IN!!!!
September 15, 2015
Hey Everyone! I just wanted to let you know that the podium is in, and it is fully assembled! My students were so pumped!!! I will get pics up tomorrow! Thank you all so much! I will be updating the miscellaneous supplies that I will be purchasing with the extra $60 that we raised ASAP!! THANK YOU!!! :)
About the Creator

Investments (6)
9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
Kristy L Inman
9 years ago
Mendel Greene
9 years ago
Jaron Myers
9 years ago
Comments (1)
Amy Grisbee August 11, 2015
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