Future Medical Assistants Need Field Trip Funds!

Verified Non-Profit

$1,087 goal

The Description
With these funds I will...provide transportation for students to attend a one day field trip which requires them to travel to 3 separate locations exploring the National Museum of Civil War Medicine in Frederick, Maryland. One (1) bus is needed for forty (40) students to travel. The anticipated cost for the bus that will be transporting students between the 3 sites is $1,500. At this time, the trip is being coordinated for October 2017.
This see, learn and hands-on activity is an extension of the healthcare curriculum taught to 11th and 12th grade students in the course, Medical Assisting. By attending this day long activity students will experience the world of medicine in its infancy; before such basics as hand washing and anesthesia were known about or used. They will have hands on experiences "as field surgeons" during the Civil War. As a comparison, students will then participate in a surgical activity using all the conveniences of modern day medical technology.
The students in 11th and 12th grade have the background and knowledge that will enable them to understand what they will see, learn, and do from participating in this activity. For students planning to enter the healthcare profession, it is important to have exposure to the roots of the medical profession, which this activity clearly does. This activity should greatly enhance the students understanding of the qualities of caring, compassion and basic empathy as requirements of anyone entering the healthcare profession.
Back Up Plan
If we do not reach our goal we will use the funds raised to lower the cost of the trip for students, and pay as much of the costs of the bus as possible.
About the Creator

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