"Delights Latin" a Real World Experience for ESL Students

Verified Non-Profit
$1,400 goal
The Description
Welcome all prospective investors!!!
Update January 16, 2017:
I am pleased to announce my classes’ MAP Test scores for Winter 2017. Out of 38 students who retested from fall to winter the following has occurred and I could not be more PROUD of my students!
- 50% now qualify for an official Lexile Level for the English language.
- 67% of Intermediate ESL students scored ABOVE the Projected Growth number.
- 60% of Beginner ESL students scored ABOVE the Projected Growth number and 1% scored the exact number.
- The exact percentages for all 38 combined: 63% scored ABOVE, 5% scored EVEN and 32% scored BELOW the Projected Growth numbers.
- Of the 38 students, all but 5 INCREASED their score from the fall.
Please join me in my pursuit to earn additional funding for my Beginner and Intermediate ESL classes. These students have become a very important part of my life. I have immensely enjoyed building relationships with them while providing instruction of the English language and basic Mathematical skills.
A major project which will begin in January 2017 is the start to our Beginner ESL culinary lab. I am partnering with our school's social worker to use the community center kitchens and run our very own restaurant called "Delights Latin." My goals for the restaurant are:
1) Providing a sense of self-worth and pride in themselves and their culture. I truly believe many of the students are unsure of their lives and where they fit into the system within the United States. This feeling has been increased during the past year and the election. My personal outlook is that every student is important and should be afforded the best education that can be provided regardless of their immigrant status. Their parents/guardians chose to bring them to the United States for a better life and opportunities, and this begins with a quality education.
2) By providing services and goods to the campus community and building positive communications with faculty and staff, they will increase their involvement outside of the classroom. Hopefully this will improve their confidence and decision to get more involved in campus activities.
3) Developing skills for a strong foundation of success - leadership, respect, teamwork, multitasking, organization, time management, etc.
4) Providing social communication in English via interfacing with other teachers and staff at NMS. The students will be required to work on their English speaking skills through oral and written language.
5) Personal hygiene and safety standards for employment.
6) Handling money (especially U.S. currency) and building a savings account with a positive balance.
7) Learning how to follow sequential directions (recipes) and readings.
8) Applying basic math skills for ingredient and product amounts.
The funds donated will be spent on the following items for both the classroom and culinary lab:
English reading books for Lexile Levels BR - 1020
Student Translation dictionaries
Lesson planning items
Restaurant items (hand mixers, blenders, baking sheets, cutting boards, dry ingredients, dairy products, product packaging and labels, etc)
Classroom and restaurant cleaning supplies
Field trips and transportation
Classroom decorations
Positive Reward and Consequence items (pencils, gift cards, books, puzzles, etc)
Birthday and Holiday Bags (cards, pencils, healthy snack items, items for home, etc)
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will purchase as many items as possible for both the classroom and culinary lab as they become necessary.
Fundraiser Updates (18)
Quesadilla Party
May 2, 2017
On Friday we took time to sample the foods made from our menu and have a quesadilla party. Needless to say, I think we had a good time and full stomachs were achieved!
Henry making a triple quesadilla.
Osmin, Alicia and Elmer waiting with their plates of ingredients.
Arlyn was the pro!
Happy faces all around! Henry, Cristian, Franklin and Jesus P
Mission Complete!
April 28, 2017
Round two of Delights Latin was a success! Despite a few setbacks we were able to produce a great meal for our faculty and staff. Plenty of positive reviews of the food and service the students provided yesterday at pick-up. :)
The appetizer of fresh guacamole salad with avocado, three types of tomatoes, corn from the cob and red onions. Also, lime wedges if customers chose.
Chicken enchiladas with fresh made mole sauce...from scratch, and queso fresco. Personally, I thought they were amazing!
My little munchkins! Our 6th graders after we finished a few batches of arroz con leche.
Day 2 of Round 2 - Delights Latin
April 27, 2017
Alright, today was much smoother, but shorter as our Wednesdays end early, so staff can complete two hours of professional development.
We made three double batches of arroz con leche and they turned out great! More veggies were prepped and the burnt pots and stoves from yesterday were successfully cleaned. :)
Osmin using his muscles :)
Our veggie crew - Alicia, Arlyn, Henry, Jesus P (although I think he's just hanging out lol) and Elmer
Some time for selfies - Dayani and Jazmin
Jesus R
Delights Latin Round 2
April 26, 2017
Well it's time for another culinary lab for the Beginner ESL students. Our menu, which the students selected, is:
* fresh avocado, tomato and corn salad with tostada chips
* cilantro lime rice with black beans
* chicken enchiladas with mole sauce
* arroz con leche
Yesterday, we began our prep work for our major cooking days. The students cleaned, boiled and shredded the chicken as well as made four batches of arroz con leche. Unfortunately the arroz con leche did not quite taste how it was supposed to or did not have the consistency it needed...soooooooo we will be making new batches today. LOL
We always begin with a full scrub down of our cooking surfaces and dishes. There are a number of items in this picture that we have purchased with our donations from PledgeCents such as the color coded cutting boards, scrub brushes, measuring cups and spoons, spatulas, hair nets, etc.
Franklin and Elmer took care of boiling the chicken. The boys then joined Arlyn and Alicia for shredding the chicken.
Cristian and Jesus P working on the first attempt of arroz con leche.
Ratio Table - Math Lesson
April 3, 2017
We have been working diligently on learning how to scale up and down as well as find equivalents using ratios. This math work will come in handy for Round 2 of Delights Latin when we are working on our recipe quantities.
Our culminating activity was splitting the math students into two teams and having them complete a large scale ratio table for three different problems. Winners of the challenges are being rewarded with "props" on their LiveSchool accounts which will provide them with "dollars" to put towards school activities of their choice.
Problem #1 Winning Team hard at work - Jesus P, Jeyssel, Franklin, Osmin, Henry and Alicia
Round 1 of Delights Latin is Complete!
March 1, 2017
Well, after three days of prepping, cooking and packaging, Round 1 of Delights Latin ended on Friday, February 24th.
The restaurant was a success! The students worked incredibly hard and did a great job of staying on task.
Day 1 - prepping the chicken and a few veggies.
Day 2 - making the chicken tortilla soup and continuing prep work of veggies.
Day 3 - a full 2.5 hours of hard work. We not only continued working on the soup, but also made six trays of sweet cornbread, over five dozen cookies and 50 side salads.
Yes, we made too much food, but that's okay. It allowed the students to be able to enjoy their work (each took a goody bag home to enjoy). :)
Alicia and Olga learning the recipe for Mexican chocolate snickerdoodle cookies. They, along with Henry, had to create six batches of the mixture.
Henry working on combining the cookie ingredients together.
The salad assembly line - Arlyn, Jazmin, Elmer and Jesus.
Franklin doing an excellent job packaging all of the side salads and Cristian making sure all veggies were of quality before sealing.
Our cornbread crew of Deysi, Dayani and Jesus working on stiffening the egg whites to mix into the batter. They were responsible for making six batches of the mixture.
Our cookie and cornbread groups hard at work and Osmin cleaning the area for salad prep.
Juan Pablo, the expert soup maker! His responsibility, along with dishes, was to constantly walk around the kitchen and make sure each pot of soup was stirred and at a proper temperature.
Last, but not least, the hand written "Thank You" notes that were placed into each order. There was also a coupon for $2.00 off the next purchase from our restaurant. :)
Day 1 of Delights Latin
February 22, 2017
Today we prepped and baked 25 chicken breasts, several pounds of red and yellow onions, carrots and fresh corn on the cob.
Success = work
February 16, 2017
It takes an immense amount of work to make a vision happen. Next week will be THE week!
"Delights Latin" Restaurant is up and running for February!!!
February 10, 2017
It's time! We are very excited to officially be opening "Delights Latin." This month's menu will consist of the following dinner offering for one or a couple:
* side salad
* 14 oz chicken tortilla soup
* cornbread
* Mexican chocolate snickerdoodle cookies
We would like to send a BIG THANK YOU to all of our investors! Plenty of pictures to come. :)
Be an Inspiration
February 7, 2017
English Lesson - "Selfie Poem"
February 7, 2017
My Beginner ESL students learned poetry over the past two weeks. Their culminating activity was to write a "Selfie Poem" about who else...themselves! Here are a few samples. Enjoy!
Rewards of Teaching
January 31, 2017
Second Goal Reached - 5 Days to Go!
January 22, 2017
After several donations the past few days, we are officially over our second goal amount of $1,000. Due to the continued response and interest in this project a new goal of $1,400 has been established. To all investors thus far: THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!
Thursday Math Lessons - "Teacher and Student"
January 20, 2017
Students work in partner pairs taking turns being the "teacher and student." Ability levels are mixed in order to have the strong students take on more of a teaching role with the low students. The teacher will complete sentence stems about the math work and then complete the numerical functions. After each step the teacher must read all statements and explain the numerical work. The student is responsible for listening and watching the teacher and then repeating all verbal instructions the teacher provides. Today's activities were flashcards, bingo and an exit ticket.
Goal has been reached and we are striving for more!
January 17, 2017
I'm so excited to report that our initial fundraising goal has been met in less than one month! Due to the amount of positive feedback and more people wanting to invest, I have decided to increase the goal amount. By doing so, others can have a positive impact on the education of these students and more supplies for the classroom and restaurant can be purchased which will help drive maximum achievement.
Dream Board Project - In 25 years this is my American Dream...
January 16, 2017
Recent English Lesson - Plot Element Chart and Story Writing in small groups
January 16, 2017
Tuesday Math Lessons - small group instruction with teacher and video of lesson in English to move at their own pace
January 16, 2017
About the Creator
I have recently started a new journey in my career which is teaching ESL for both beginners and intermediates at Northbrook Middle School within Spring Branch ISD located in Houston, Texas. NMS is a Title I school and our budget is very limited. As of December 16th I have 26 Intermediate ESL students and 30 Beginner ESL students who have been in the United States for two months to 2 years and come from poverty and disparage in countries such as Guatamala, El Salvador, Honduras and Mexico.
Our superintendent would like the teachers to think "outside of the box" and be innovative in their classrooms. My Beginner ESL class is the perfect model!!!
Your Impact
Culinary Lab Ingrediants
Culinary Lab Items
Classroom Books
Classroom Incentives
Culinary Lab
Investments (16)
Karen Schultze
8 years ago
Pattie Terreson
8 years ago
Stephanie Reichard
8 years ago
Cathy Ingal
8 years ago
8 years ago
Aisha Savage
8 years ago
Abby Shuman
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
Judy Schreiber
8 years ago
Maria G Cruz
8 years ago
8 years ago
Andrew A Greenawalt
8 years ago
8 years ago
Julia Adam
8 years ago
Christine M. Stanton
8 years ago
Comments (4)
Stephanie February 17, 2017
Stephanie January 22, 2017
Gabby Cruz January 13, 2017
Tina December 31, 2016
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