Support my Toms

Verified Non-Profit

$80 goal

The Description
With these funds I will be able to purchase the proper brackets for our Yamaha Marching Toms (see the picture below). About a month ago, a generous donor gave us some wonderful Yamaha marching quad toms and a stadium series stand (see picture next to the Toms) for our High School Marching Band to use while we are performing in the bleachers. This stand helps the person performing on the quads to put them on a stand during the football game because they are quite heavy and we perform for about 3 hours during a football game. However, it did not come with the proper brackets for the stand. These drums are essential to every marching band and we are thrilled to have them. This bracket will ensure that while we are in the bleachers performing, the toms will be protected from damage and will last us for a very long time to come. I am hoping that there are more philanthropic supporters of music to help me purchase this $80 piece of equipment so that we can protect our equipment properly.
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will purchase...I am optimistic that we will, however, if not, I will use what funds that have been raised to buy drumheads for the drumline.
Fundraiser Updates (1)
Completed and Thank You
December 7, 2015
Thank you to all of the philanthropists that donated to the cause, we have raised the amount needed to purchase the brackets and our Toms are now stable. It really will make it much easier for our Tom player to be able to perform for a 3 hour game without having back pain the next day. Thank you so much for your help.
About the Creator

Investments (1)
9 years ago
Comments (2)
Brad Segal November 5, 2015
thank ye fer kindest of donations...aaarrrrrh
Butthole Pirates November 5, 2015
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