Fresno Zoo Fieldtrip for Autism Classes

Verified Non-Profit
$4,000 goal

The Description
With these funds we will be taking a trip with our four Autism classes (kindergarten-6th grade) to the Fresno Chaffee Zoo. There will be 45 students, one parent per child, and 15 staff members going to the zoo. Due to our students deficits in social skills, communication, and function this trip would be beneficial in generalizing needed skills for community awareness and interaction with others. Also, this gives the students the opportunity to spend one on one time with their parents in a fun setting. This trip will also integrate the academic concepts being taught within the classroom such as science, social studies, and language arts in a real life setting. They will be able to see real life animals, habitats, and provide hands on learning which is so important for children with Autism. The benefits of such an opportunity are countless; being able to work on and generalize social skills, interacting with others, to learn in a non-school setting, having the freedom of being themselves, and spending quality time with their parent. As a teacher watching the smiles on our students faces, seeing their eyes light up, and hearing them talk about what they are seeing is greatest reward of all!
Many of our students do not have the opportunity to visit many places due to their deficits in social and functional skills, so this trip will provide an opportunity for them to practice and generalize needed skills taught in the classroom on how to interact with their immediate environment. Also, our students work diligently to perform their best and are eager to learn. They are willing to please their teachers and follow the school rules. Despite their disability, our students try their best each day!
We will need to charter two busses in order to accommodate our students and parents. We also will be paying the entrance fee into the zoo as well as lunch for our students and parents. Also, we are hoping to give our students at least $15.00 to spend in order to buy a souvenir to remember their special day at the zoo. Furthermore, we will be providing a snack bag for everyone on the bus.
This experience will be beneficial to our students in preparing them for social and community interactions. We would greatly appreciate any donations! Thank you for your interest!!
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will the funds towards the fieldtrip to the Fresno Chaffee Zoo.
About the Creator

Investments (29)
9 years ago
Valerie Fletcher
9 years ago
Leslie Enz
9 years ago
Erin Cecchettini
10 years ago
Sarah Roth
10 years ago
Kathy L Geniesse
10 years ago
Randall Hart
10 years ago
Nancy Rhodes
10 years ago
Erin Shipley
10 years ago
10 years ago
Janice Montoya
10 years ago
Kelly L Elam
10 years ago
Elaine C Ledlow
10 years ago
Denise Gehring
10 years ago
Amy aguilera
10 years ago
10 years ago
Annette ponder
10 years ago
Annette ponder
10 years ago
10 years ago
Amy aguilera
10 years ago
Courtney Hart
10 years ago
Karena Cabrera
10 years ago
Andrew M Taylor
10 years ago
Nicole Ansolabehere
10 years ago
Christine Bevacqua
10 years ago
jeanna hunt
10 years ago
Trish Higgins
10 years ago
Amy aguilera
10 years ago
April Fox
10 years ago
Comments (6)
Janice montoya March 10, 2015
jeanna Hunt March 7, 2015
Courtney Hart February 13, 2015
Karena Cabrera February 13, 2015
jeanna hunt February 13, 2015
Amy aguilera February 13, 2015
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