Pruitts Planting Club

Verified Non-Profit

$250 goal

The Description
With these funds I will...begin to work with my students in our school garden. Recently I was inspired by other Montessori Guides to make an impact on my students through growing our own food. As we started we realized that gardening was a realistic application for our Math, Science, and Critical Thinking Skills. We have worked together to measure our space, clean out weeds, and plan a menu we could make together. Now we just need the seedlings/plants to start up the garden. We have two spaces for food (one for vegetable and one for herbs), one for hummingbird plants (so we can see then from our classroom window) and a butterfly garden that needs a little TLC. By donating to our cause you are providing a mixed-aged Montessori classroom full of exceptional and excited children a chance to learn how to grow and then cook their own food from scratch! We have the space, we have the tools, we just need to purchase the following from a local perennial supplier: Hummingbird attracting mixed palette of plants, Butterfly attracting mixed tray of plants, Culinary Herb Mix (tray of 128 plants), and pest repelling plants like Marigolds (to avoid using chemical pesticides).
Back Up Plan
If we don't reach our entire goal we will...purchase and plant whatever we can afford.
Fundraiser Updates (1)
Our Planting Success!
February 20, 2015
I just wanted to say thank you to our investors who generously donated both money and plants to our garden. We were able to successfully plant and harvest hundreds of tomatoes, bunches of Swiss Chard, as well as a generous amount of mint and other herbs. This was my first time planting such a large and successful garden. We learned a few lessons along the way like how to cage your tomatoes early to prevent them from completely covering the ground and taking over. Or how to be cautious about stepping into ant hills while you are gardening. But, we loved the experience and were able to bond over it. Being at a Montessori school we teach our kids for 2 years so, half of Pruit's Planting Club are still here as we gear up for another planting season.
We spent about 1/3 of our total budget last year on things like gloves and towels (which we used as knee pads) and natural pesticides (we used Neem Oil). I was also able to entice the students to stay after school to pull weeds by throwing a lemonade party. We combined the mint we grew with blueberries and lemons to make a delicious treat to share after pulling weeds.
With the remaining budget we are set to engage in Spring planting again this year. We are also looking into investing in new raised beds or large galvanized steel tubs to use as beds. Being able to share this experience with the students was not only educational, it taught them as humans to respect and appreciate their environment. I am looking forward to a new gardening season with the students and I know they are extremely excited as well.
As a result of our success, our campus has applied to become part of the REAL School Garden program which offers education to teachers on gardening, builds and outdoor classroom for all classes to use, and guides students through planing and implementation of an elaborate garden space. I am hopeful that this a stepping stone to a large and comprehensive garden program for our school.
Thank you again!
I tried to attach before and after pictures of our garden as well as pictures of the bounty we shared but the file sizes are too big. Feel free to contact me though and I would love to email them!
About the Creator

Investments (2)
10 years ago
10 years ago
Comments (1)
Carl April 17, 2014
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