Transforming Learning in the Hutchison HS Library

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

The students and staff that utilize the Hutchison High School Library are asking for $12,500 for the purchase of 32 Dell 11" Chromebook computers, a Google Chrome OS management license for each computer, an AC-SLIM anywhere cart for storage of the chromebooks, and shipping costs. 

School libraries are the hub of learning. At Hutchison High School, they are "A place to relax. A place to explore. A place to Learn." We exemplify our motto by providing students with a welcoming, flexible learning environment, that allows for both structured traditional learning, collaborative activities, critical thinking, and creativity.

Unfortunately, the technology in our library is dated and immobile and insufficient in number. In 2006, the library received two brand new sets of 25 desktop computers. Nine years later, class sizes are closer to 31 than 24, the desktops take upwards of 8 minutes to start up and login, they frequently experience problems, and the inflexible nature of the labs removes the possibility for flexible learning and effective collaboration. We struggle with having enough computers so that each student can have one, often resulting in students sharing computers. Sometimes sharing is perfect, but other times, such as writing tasks, or even turning in assignments, it is difficult to share a computer with another student. We lose valuable instruction time every day as we wait for computers to log on, pause instruction to fix a computer, or come up with an alternative activity for the students who cannot get computer access due to insufficient numbers.

The Fairbanks North Star Borough School District is empathetic to our plight, but unfortunately, has faced $11 million in budget cuts in the 2015-2016 school year, after 5 years in a row of smaller cuts; and is facing a potential $13 million in cuts next year. With these trends, it is possible it will be at least three more years before our district can begin to replace computers. 

By replacing the older desktop computers with chromebooks, we will enable our students and teachers to group themselves as needed to fit the learning task, improving efficiency, creativity, collaboration, and learning. We will be able to plan for more engaging and effective learning experiences for our students and teachers, and be able to final focus on learning 100% rather than just "making it work."

Back Up Plan

If our goal is not met, the students and teachers who use the Hutchison High School Library will use the funds to purchase items in the following order:

  • iPads up to 10 in number to flesh out a set of 20 to make it usable by a full class of students (approximately $400 x 10 iPads = $4000)
  • 30 keyboards for the iPads to enable their use for typing ($30 x 30 devices = $900)

Fundraiser Updates (2)

Chromebooks to be Purchased

February 22, 2016

A HUGE THANK YOU... to everyone who donated to this cause, or helped us raise matching funds and awareness through sharing on social media. We are proud to announce that even though we did not make our goal, these funds will be added to local school funds to make the purchase of a chromebook cart possible. We anticipate the purchase will occur soon and that the chromebooks will be available by the end of the school year. We will let you know when this happens. Thanks again for your support!

Student Library Advisory Board Donation

December 15, 2015

The Student Library Advisory Board completed several fundraisers this year and chose to donate $300 toward our cause! Way to go students!

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About the Creator

I am the librarian at Hutchison High School in Fairbanks, Alaska. Hutch is career and technical education high school that focuses students on one of six career clusters so that graduating seniors are ready to enter the workforce with appropriate certifications for entry-level jobs, or to continue on to further education. As the librarian, I help foster a love of reading, teach information literacy and digital literacy skills, and curate the library's collection of print and digital materials to meet student's academic and personal needs.

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